Friday, 23 September 2016

DNB CET Counselling 2016 for July Session

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DNB CET Counselling  → Candidates who have qualified the Centralized Entrance Test (DNB CET) conducted by NBE in July, 2016 and fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission to DNB Broad Specialty including Direct 6 Years courses (July 2016 admission session) at various NBE accredited Medical Colleges/Institutions/Hospitals in India shall participate in the counseling for allocation of seats purely on merit cum choice basis.

Candidate pursuing any other Post Graduate Medical course (other than DNB course) can join a DNB seat only after he/she resigns from such course. Seat allotment letter to such a candidate shall be issued by NBE (within the admission calendar) only if the candidate has been relieved and discharged from the institution/ college/hospital from where he/she is undergoing such post graduate medical course.

Counselling and Eligibility details

Counselling Eligibility
1st Round Candidates who have scored the merit position upto 6000 and fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission to the respective courses at various NBE accredited Medical Colleges /Institutions /Hospitals in India shall be eligible to participate in the counseling for allocation of seats purely on merit cum choice basis.
2nd Round Candidates participated in the 1st Round of counseling either in-person or through online (opt out) shall be eligible for participation in the 2nd round of Counseling and also the Candidates who have scored the merit position from 6001 to 17000 and fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission to the respective courses at various NBE accredited Medical Colleges /Institutions /Hospitals in India shall be eligible to participate in the counseling for allocation of seats purely on merit cum choice basis.
Extended 2nd round Candidates participated in the 2nd Round of counseling either in-person or through online (opt out) shall be eligible for participation in the Extended 2nd round of Counseling and also the Candidates who have scored the merit position from 17001 to last qualified candidate and fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission to the respective courses at various NBE accredited Medical Colleges /Institutions /Hospitals in India shall be eligible to participate in the counseling for allocation of seats purely on merit cum choice basis.
3rd Round Candidates participated in the Extended 2nd Round of counseling either in-person or through online mode (opt out) shall only be eligible for participation in the 3rd Round of Counseling in order of merit.

 Detail about First Round 
The Centralized Merit Based counseling for admission to DNB (Post MBBS) courses for July 2016 Admission Session shall be conducted by NBE as per the schedule given below at its Dwarka Office, New Delhi:

→ Candidate with merit position beyond 6000 shall be invited in subsequent round of counseling.

→ Candidates may note that participation in the Counseling is subject to the candidates being eligible in all respects and verification of their original documents at the time of the Counseling.

→ Candidates without original documents shall not be allowed to appear/participate in Centralized Counseling by NBE under any circumstances.

 For the Guidelines of candidates who have deposited their Original documents/certificates in the Medical College/Institute where they are undergoing MD/MS/Diploma training.Click here

→ Participation in the Counseling shall be strictly as per the eligibility criteria and guidelines mentioned in the Information Bulletin for DNB CET and Handbook for DNB CET Centralized Merit Based. 

• Counseling – July 2016 admission session. Handbook for DNB CET Centralized Merit Based • • • • • Counseling – July 2016 admission session shall be uploaded on the website in due course.

• The Indicative seat matrix shall be uploaded on the website in due course. Final Seat matrix shall be displayed at the counseling venue and NBE website before counseling.

 Detail about Seat Matrix for Centralized Counseling

. Candidates can now check the seat matrix on the official website or by a direct link which is given below.

Indicative Seat Matrix (After 22 Sep 2016) Click here

Indicative Seat Matrix (After 21 Sep 2016) Click here

Indicative Seat Matrix (After 20 Sep 2016) Click here

Indicative Seat Matrix (After 19 Sep 2016) Click here

Indicative Seat Matrix (After 16 Sep 2016) Click here

Indicative Seat Matrix (After 15 Sep 2016) Click here

Indicative Seat Matrix Click here

 Centralized Counseling and Rank Letter
Rank Letter for DNB CET Centralized Counseling July 2016 admission session has been released. Candidates can print out the rank letter from the official website of DNB CET or by a direct link which is given here. Click here

 Structure of Counselling Fee

• Candidates are required to deposit a counseling fee of Rs. 2500/- through demand draft drawn in favour of National Board of Examinations, payable at New Delhi, on the day of counseling at counseling venue itself. Candidates are required to bring the above mentioned demand draft failing which they shall not be allowed to participate in the counseling.
• Candidates who exercise their option for participation in further round of counseling after opting out online through NBE website are required to remit the counseling fee of Rs. 2500/- through payment gateway provided using a Credit Card or a Debit Card issued by banks in India.

• Counseling fee shall not be refunded under any circumstances once the candidate has been registered for Counseling at the counseling venue.

 Know about Allotment of Seats

→ The allotment of seats shall be made to the eligible candidates only through personal appearance and they shall be called in batches in the order of their merit position, as per the schedule of Counseling available on NBE website.

→ Candidate has to be present in person on the day of his/her counseling to participate in the counseling at scheduled time specified in his/her Rank Letter. Authorized representative on behalf of candidate shall be permitted only after due approval of NBE, in exceptional circumstances only at sole discretion of NBE.

→ The schedule for further round(s) of counseling (if any) shall be notified in due course at NBE website after completion of the 1st Round of Counseling. Candidates are advised to visit NBE website regularly for updates regarding counseling.

→A candidate can also exercise his/her option for participation in further round of counseling (i.e. opting out) through NBE website till the day of his / her scheduled counseling. 

→ The candidate need not appear for counseling in- person at NBE office Delhi for opting out for further round of counseling. Candidate can access NBE website from anywhere to use the facility for opting out for further round of counseling. Such candidate shall not be marked as absent and shall be given an opportunity to participate in further round of counseling as and when conducted by NBE for the same academic session.

A candidate with Merit position 500 has to attend the counseling on 19.08.2016 and is not interested to opt any confirmed seat and wants to exercise his/her option for participation in the next round of counseling can use the online facility available at NBE website from commencement of counseling till 05.00 PM on 19 Aug 2016.
Such Candidates who opted out for further round of counseling shall be required to pay counseling Fee of Rs. 2500/- by credit/debit card at the time of online submission of Opting out form only in their 1st Round of Counseling. No fee is required for participation in further round of counseling.

→ Candidates who do not attend/participate in the counseling at their first opportunity either in person or through online (opt out) shall not be eligible for participation in the subsequent round(s) of counseling (if any).

→ Candidates opting for a confirmed seat are NOT eligible to participate in subsequent round(s) of counseling irrespective of their joining/non- joining/ resignation from the seat already opted for.

→ Candidates appearing for counseling in-person can either opt for a confirmed seat or exercise their option for participation in further round of counseling.

→ Candidates are advised to exercise their option for confirmed seat or next round of Counseling (vide supra) cautiously, as no change in seat once allotted shall be permissible under any circumstances.

→ The counseling shall be done purely on the basis of DNB CET (July 2016) Merit Position. The merit has been determined by marks obtained by the candidates in DNB CET – July 2016. In the event of two or more candidates obtaining same marks, the Tie-breaker criteria for DNB CET for Admission to Post Graduate DNB Courses July 2016 Admission session shall be adopted.

→ No separate letter/communication regarding counseling is being sent to the candidates. Therefore, all the eligible candidates are advised to refer to NBE website regularly for information pertaining to counseling and download their rank letter as well. Candidates are also advised to refer NBE website from time to time for any updates.

→ Candidates are required to bring their RANK LETTER at the time of counseling along with the prescribed documents.

Handbook for DNB CET Centralized Counselling July 2016 admission session

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