Friday, 30 September 2016

Details of IPU CET 2016 – Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

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IPU CET → It is the common entrance test for various UG and PG courses held by the GGSIPU University for admission session 2016-17. Details of IPUCET 2016 are announced by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University for engineering, medical, law and other courses. For each programme, an entrance exam is conducted and is known as IPU CET for that particular course. Candidates who wish to take admission in the IP University, must appear in the Common Entrance Test and obtain merit rank.

Course Details 

1. Engineering  and B.Arch Admissions
2. Professional Courses Admissions
3. Medical Courses Admissions
4. Admission for Ph. D. Programme

Important Dates

PGMC (102) – Notification Regarding Eligibility of PGMC CET Code 102 12 Mar 2016
MAMC (106) / MPT (107) / MOT Neuro (108) / MPO (109) / MPH (110) /,M.Sc EM (111) / BCA (114) 09 Apr 2016
LLM (112) / MA English (113) / B.Sc (H) Nursuing (115) / MA Criminology (118) 10 Apr 2016
B.Ed, B.Ed SE (122)/ MBA IT (116) / BA LLB, BBA LLB (121) 16 Apr 2016
M.Sc Bio Conv. (123) / LE to B.Tech Diploma,(128) / LE to B.Tech B.Sc Grads (129) / MAHM, MCPHM (141) / M.Ed (120) 17 Apr 2016
BHMS, BAMS, BPT, BOT, BPO, B.Sc MLT, BASLP (124) / M.Sc NRM (145),/ BCA MCA Dual Degree (142) 23 Apr 2016
MCA, MCA SE (105) /,MBBS Stage I (103) 24 Apr 2016
DM Cardiology (132) / M.Ch CTVS (133) / M.Ch Neuro Surgery (134) / DM Neurology (135) / BJMC (126) 30 Apr 2016
BHMCT (127) / DM Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine (138) / M.Ch Plastic Surgery (136) / M.Ch Pediatrics Surgery (143) / B.Com Hons (146) 01 May 2016
M.Ch Urology (144) / B.Sc Yoga Science (117) / M.Tech Robotics Engg (156) / M.Phil Clinical Psychology (157) / B.Sc Medical Technology RT (158) / M.Sc Forensic Science (119) 07 May 2016
MBA (101) / B.Tech (131) 08 May 2016
M.Tech – Nano Technology (149) / Tool Engineering (147) / Food Technology (148) / Engineering Physics (150) 14 May 2016
BDS (104) 14 May 2016
M.Tech – ECE, DC, SP, RF, VLSI, ECE Weekend (140) / Chemical Engineering (152) / IT, CSE, IS, IT Weekend , CSE Weekend (139) 15 May 2016
BBA (125) 15 May 2016
B.Voc (200) / M.Phil English (161) / MA Economics (162) / MCA LE (163) / B.Tech Bio Tech (130) 21 May 2016B.Voc (200) Reschedule on 16 July 2016
MBBS Stage II 22 May 2016
Research Aptitude Test 21, 22 May 2016
MBA Weekend (155) / PG Diploma in Radiological Physics (151) / PG Diploma in Women’s Empowerment (164) / MJMC Weekend (176) / LLM Weekend (181) / MBA Disaster Mgmt. Weekend (186) / B.Arch (100) NO CET

Examination Details

Examination  will be held as per schedule in the offline mode. The official notification & details for the exam has been released by the University. The exam will be held for admissions in various courses of the IP University and will be the entry gateway for all the candidates. The admissions will be done on the basis of the marks secured in the IPU CET 2016 exam.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who are eligible  are comprised of some norms or conditions which must be satisfied by all the candidates. If even a single instruction is NOT satisfied, the candidates will NOT be considered for the admissions. If one is ineligible and still applied for the Exam of IPU CET 2016, he or she will be identified in the verification round and will be rejected. The fee submitted by such candidates may also be forfeited. 

 Details of Engineering Entrance Exam
• Entrance exam for B.Tech programme was held on May 8, 2016 from 2 PM to 4:30 PM.
Candidates can submit IPU CET 2016 application form – engineering till March 29, 2016.
The result of IPU CET engineering entrance exam has been declared by May 24, 2016.

• Every year, a large number of engineering aspirants appear in the engineering entrance exam held by IPU. Candidates must fill the IPU CET 2016 application form before last date in order to appear in the exam.

 Details of MBBS Entrance Exam

• The entrance exam for MBBS is to held in two stages.

Stage I exam was held on April 24, 2016 from 2 PM to 5 PM.
 Stage I exam was conducted on April 24, 2016 from 2 PM to 5 PM.
 Stage II exam was conducted on May 22, 2016 from 2 PM to 5 PM. 

• Only those candidates who are declared qualified in stage I can appear in the second stage.

• Application form for IPU CET 2016 MBBS entrance exam must be submitted before March 29, 2016.

• The competition level for this exam is very high. Candidates must be well prepared to get admission in GGSIPU affiliated MBBS colleges.

Application Form

The application form is released online on the official portal. The candidates have to complete the following steps in order to apply for the exam:

• Register online by submitting the following information:

Email ID
Mobile Number
Date of Birth

• The next step to submit the following details in the online form

Personal Details
Contact Details
Academic Details
Fee Remission
Exam Center Submission

• Finally, the candidates have to upload the scanned images of their signature and photo in the online form.

Admit Card

The admit card is to be released online around 7 – 15 days before the exam. The candidates have to bring the admit card on the exam day mandatory. Without this, the entry will NOT be allowed.

• The candidates find the following information on the admit card of the exam.

Name and Personal Details,
Registration Number,
Exam Roll Number,
Exam Center,
Date and Time of Exam,
Other Instructions for the exam day,
Photo and Signature.

• The admit card will also be required in the document verification round just before the admissions. Therefore, the candidates should keep it safe after the exam.

 Details of Result

• The candidates will have to check their results online only as there will be NO physical dispatch of the exam results.

• The scorecard download will require the submission of the following information to check the exam scores:

Date of Birth
Exam Roll Number
Application Number

 Category Wise Cutoff  

The cutoff of will be the minimum rank which must be secured in the entrance exam to get admission in relevant programme. The candidates have to secure marks to get the relevant rank to get admission in the desired college and branch. The cutoff ranks will be different for different categories and the merit lists will also be different.

Examination Pattern

• Scheme of the Tests (Except for MBBS, PGMC, SSMC, BDS, MPHIL(ENG))

• The test paper will contain 150 objective-type questions in all for all CETs (except B.Tech. (Biotechnolgy) for which 200 questions shall be asked and for M.A.(English) in which the Part 1 shall consist of 100 Multiple Choice Questions while Part 2 shall be essay type questions).

• Each question will be provided with four alternative answers marked as (1), (2), (3) and (4) (though M.A.(English) shall have essay type questions also while M.Phil. (English) CET shall be subjective type only). Out of these, only one correct; or most appropriate answer should be selected and marked on the OMR answer sheet;

• Each question shall carry four marks. There will be negative marking for incorrect answer. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

• The written test will be of two and a half hour duration and will carry 600 marks (but for B.Tech. Biotechnology the test shall be of three hour duration with 200 questions with 800 marks).

Medium of  Language

The medium of the tests will be English only except for BED for which the test shall be in English and Hindi.

Scheme of the Test for MBBS/BDS

• CET code 103 for MBBS (both stages I & II) and BDS code 104 will be of 3 hours duration and will have One Question Paper in English medium. This Question Paper shall have 200 objective type (multiple choice) questions from Physics, Chemistry, Botany & Zoology. Each question will be provided with four alternative answers marked as (1), (2), (3) and (4). Out of these, only one correct or most appropriate answer should be selected and marked on the OMR answer sheet. Each question shall carry 3 marks, which shall be awarded for each correct answer.

• There will be negative marking for incorrect answers. Incorrect answers will include both the ‘wrong answers’ as well as ‘more than one answer to a question’. 01 (one) mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

Examination Centers and Cities

• IPU CET 2016 examination centres are where the Common Entrance Tests are being held by GGSIP University. Test centres for IPU CET 2016 are mentioned for certain programmes. Candidates will get the option of selecting test cities of their choice while filling up the IPU CET 2016 application form. Centers shall be allotted given that sufficient number of candidates opt for that particular test center.

• The Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University ususally announces center wise list before the exam. While filling up the application form, candidates will get the option to select city where they want exam center. Final allotment of test center, the examination venue, will be published in candidate’s IPU CET 2016 Admit Card.

• List of Cities / Centres for B. Tech / MBBS Stage I / MCA / MBA programmes for Common Entrance Test.

Name of City / Centre Centre / City Code
Ambala 81
Bangalore 82
Bhopal 83
Chandigarh 84
Dheradun 85
Delhi 86
Hyderabad 87
Indore 88
Jaipur 89
Jallandhar 90
kolkata 91
Lucknow 92
Siliguri 93
Udaipur 94
Varanasi 95

 MBBS (Stage II) test will be conducted only in Delhi.

1. For all other programmes the Common Entrance Tests ( CET ) will be conducted only in Delhi.

2. The choices indicated by the candidates in respect to the Centres of Entrance Examination shall only be considered as their preferred choices.

3. The actual Centre Code will be allotted by the University and the same shall be considered as final.

4. Neither any change in the preferences already indicated by the candidate shall be allowed by the University nor any correspondence in this regard will be entertained under any circumstances.

5. The University may drop any of the above mentioned centres if sufficient number of candidates are not available or for any other reason deemed appropriate to drop the centre.

6. In case University decides to drop both the preferences of centres given by the candidate or due any other reason, then, in such circumstances, ‘Delhi’ centre will be allotted. The allotment of centres will be rearranged if that choice is not available.

Center Details for each courses

Centers for each course, that will be announced by the University, will indicate the summarized roll number wise CET center list. Candidates will be asked to verify the test center displayed in their downloaded IPU CET Admit Card with this list. In case of discrepancy, candidate is requested to contact GGSIPU.

• Admit card of IPU CET 2016 containing final allotted examination center will be issued around a week before the exam.

• Contact Details

• Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Sector – 16C Dwarka
Delhi – 110078, India.

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