Monday, 3 October 2016

HPU B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Test 2016 Deatails about Entrance test & Admission

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The Himachal Pradesh University was founded on July 22,1970. It is located at Summer Hill which is at a distance of 5 kms from the main town, Shimla. The University is nestled amidst tall and lush green trees of deodars, oats, pines and rhododendrons. The location of the University presents a panoramic natural view among the woods, settled around Summer Hill. The camps where one half bathes in the fresh sun towards the east and another half in the grandeur of unique sunset on the West. Overlooking snow peaked majestic mountain ranges add to the lofty ideals and vision of the university. Its salubrious climate and calmness presents congenial atmosphere to pursue higher studies.

Himachal Pradesh University had released the notification for the eligible candidates to admission in B.Sc Nursing Degree Course in Government / Private Nursing College in Himachal Pradesh for the academic year 2016-17.Candidates can check the complete information of HPU B.Sc Nursing Entrance Test 2016 application process, eligibility criteria and other information on this page below.

Important Dates 

Event  Dates 
Filling of online application with final transaction of fee  06 May to 10 Jun 2016
Last date for receipt of computer generated confirmation copy of online application 15 Jun 2016
Date of Uploading  Admit card  21 Jun 2016
Date of Entrance test 03 Jul 2016
Date of release Answer key 08 Jul 2016
Date of result declaration 18 Jul 2016
Date of announcement of merit list 20 Jul 2016
Date of 1st Round of Counselling 01 Aug to 06 Aug 2016
Date of 2nd Round of Counselling 16 Sep 2016

Application Form

Before proceeding to apply online, please ensure that you have:

Scanned copy of candidate’s recent photograph with following specifications.

  • Photograph must be a passport size colour picture.
  • Maximum size 50 kb.
  • Photo format should be jpg. only.

Scanned copy of Candidate’s signature with following specifications.

  • Candidate with black ink put her signature on a white paper and get the signature scanned.
  • Maximum size 30 kb.
  • Scanned signature format should be jpg. only.

Create an email account if you already don’t have one.

You must give a correct mobile number in basic details. If you don’t have mobile number, please enter your guardian’s mobile number for any further information in this regard.

Arrange Entrance Test fee

Candidates have to Log on to website candidate must download the prospectus and replica of ONLINE application form to read it carefully to satisfy her eligibility criteria and other requirements for submission of online application form for appearing in the test. Candidates can also fill their application online from the direct link provided below.

Application process is over…!!!

Notified on 08 June 2016:- सभी सम्बन्धित कं सूचनार्थ यह अधिसूचित क्रिया जाता है कि बीएससी नर्सिग प्रवेश परीक्षा- 2016, जो दिनांक 03 जुलाई 2016 (रविवार) को प्रदेश के चार परीक्षा केंद्रों शिमला, मंडी, हमीरपुर तथा धर्मशाला में आयोजित होने जा रही ही है, के लिए निधारित शुल्क सहित विश्वविद्यालय की वेबसाईट। के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की अन्तिम तिथि 10 जून 2016 को समाप्त हो रही है । इसकं दृष्टिगत जिन अभ्यर्थियों ने किन्हीं कारणों से अभी तक उक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन नहीं किया है, वे समय रहते निर्धारित तिथि के भीतर शुल्क सहित आवेदन कर लें, अन्यथा इसके पश्चात आँनलार्हन आवेदन करने की प्रक्रिया बन्द हो जायेगी 1 अभ्यर्थी किसी भी प्रकार की जानकारी के लिए दूरभाष 0177-2830891 तथा 0177-2831655 पर सम्यर्क कर सकते है ।

Application Fee
  • Rs. 1400/- for General/OBC & their SubCategories and
  • Rs.700/- for SC/ST & their sub-Categories
Mode of Payment 

Net Banking.

Card Payment (By Using Debit/Credit Card of any bank).

Other Payment modes in which Challan is generated.

Instructions for  candidate for Filling Up Online Application Form for Entrance Test

1. Click on “Register Now” to create a new account. Once the new account is created online system will generate the unique application form number. Candidates are advised to note down the application form number for all future references.

2. After account creation, click login to complete the Entrance Examination application online. Online Entrance Application form has following subsequent information.
  • Basic Details Form
  • Upload Photo & Signature Form
  • Fees Payment Form
  • Payment Details Form
  • Filled Form View Page Confirmation Button.
  • Filled Form Downloaded Page.

3. Applicants are required to fill their information in above mentioned web pages. All mandatory fields are marked with red star.

4. Upload photo and signature. Photo and signature uploaded should be as per specifications and size listed in step 1.

5. To save the data, please click on ‘Continue and Save’ button at the bottom of each screen before proceeding further.

6. Once you click on Fees Payment Button new window of SBI-Collect will be open on your screen in which you have to complete the following steps for making the payment:

Step 1
  • State of Corporate/ Institution : Select Himachal Pradesh
  • Type of Corporate/Institution: Select Educational Institution
  • Then click on Go button

Step 2
  • Educational Institution Name: Select Finance Officer, HPU
  • Then click on Submit button

Step 3
  • Select Payment Category:
  • Select B.Sc Nursing General/OBC& its Sub-Categories
  • Select B.Sc Nursing SC/ST & its Sub-Categories

Step 4

Enter all the details of payment as per the fields given on the present screen, all these fields are mandatory to fill for making the Application fee payment. Then press the Submit button.

Step 5

1. Once you Confirm the ‘payment details’, a new window will appear on your screen in which three modes of payment are there i.e 1) Net Banking 2) Card Payment (By Using Debit/Credit Card of any bank) 3) Other Payment modes in which Callahan is generated and the applicant has to take the print out of that Callahan to the nearest SBI Branch for depositing the Cash. In case of Net Banking and Card Payment, e-receipt will be generated. Then candidates are directed to take print out of that e-receipt for completing the application form and retained the same for her record for future reference also.

2. After depositing the fee in the bank, candidates can continue to fill up the ONLINE application form and then uploading the photograph & signatures on the website. Thereafter, candidates have to confirm the payment by clicking on the payment confirmation button. If the payment is not confirmed wait at least for 12 hours after making the payment to complete the application Form. If after 12 hours of depositing the fee payment is not confirmed, please contact on 0177-2831655 or 0177-2833582. Candidates must ensure that the print out of the ONLINE Application form will only be generated, if the candidates payments are confirmed and also retain the payment slip for future references after making the payment.

3. Once the payment will be confirmed, Complete Entrance Application Form will be opened on the screen with edit option. Before proceeding further, please make sure that all the fields of the form are filled up correctly in the confirmation screen only then click on the Submit Button. Once the applicant click on the Submit button of her application page, she cannot edit/change the details entered.
After clicking on ‘Submit’ button new window will appear on the Screen displaying full details of the applicant on the pdf format. Take the print out of the same page and attach the payment receipt with the computer generated confirmation copy of the application form and before sending it to the University designated officer, candidate must retain the photocopies of the application form and fee receipt for future reference, as the application form number is to be used for downloading the Admit card from the University Website.

Procedure of sending computer generated application form:

Follow the instructions to take the print out of the computer generated confirmation copy of the application form and attach the copy of the fee receipt and write the following address with the quote “Application form for B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Test-2016” on any good quality envelope and then send it by post, so as to reach on or before the prescribed date to :

The Assistant Registrar(Entrance Tests)
Room No. 10 Admn. Block, Ground Floor,
H.P. University, Summer Hill, Shimla–171 005 (H.P.)

Alternatively, it can be submitted in person in the office of the Assistant Registrar (Entrance Tests) as mentioned above. In case, any candidate sends her application form to the officer other than the designated as mentioned above, the Entrance Tests Section of the University in no way be responsible.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Candidates should be Citizen of India.

2. Female Children of Bonafide Himachali/Domicile/Himachal Govt. employees and employees of Autonomous bodies wholly or partially financed by the Himachal Pradesh Government will only be eligible to apply for admission to 4 years B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course through Entrance Test to be conducted by H.P. University, Shimla in Sister Nivedita Govt. College of Nursing, IGMC, Shimla and Private un-aided B.Sc. Nursing Colleges/Institutions situated in the State of Himachal Pradesh.

3. For filling up of 50 % Management Quota Seats in Private un-aided B.Sc. Nursing Colleges in State of Himachal Pradesh, there will be no domicile requirement. Under this quota, both Himachali and Non-Himachali interested candidates can compete in the entrance test subject to fulfillment of minimum educational qualification and age etc. as prescribed in the prospectus.

4. A candidate should have passed 10+2 or its equivalent examination from H.P. Board of School Education/AISSCE/CBSE/ICSE/SSCE/HSCE or any other Board/University established by law in India in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually with 45% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the qualifying examination. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC, the marks obtained in Physics , Chemistry and Biology taken together in qualifying examination will be 40% instead of 45% as stated above. Provided further that English is a compulsory subject in 10+2 for being eligible for admission to B.Sc.(Nursing) course. The candidate should be medically fit. 

5. The age of the candidates should be between 17 to 35 years as on 3st December, 2016 i.e. the candidate should be born between 01.01.1982 and 1.1.2000. However, upper age can be relaxable by 5 years in the case of SC/ST candidates i.e. the candidate must born between 1.1.1977 and 1.1.2000. Age as recorded in the matriculation certificate will be entertained.

5. The candidates who appeared in 10+2 examination and their result are not yet been declared may also apply for this test, but their admission will be made, if they fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria as prescribed in the prospectus at the time of Ist round of counselling.

6. The candidates who have passed their 10+2 examination from National Institute of Open School or appeared in 10+2 examination Science (Medical) conducted by National Institute of Open School can also apply to this test.

7.The above qualifications will only determine the eligibility of a candidate for admission, but the actual basis of admission shall be on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate(s) in the Entrance Test.

Admit Card

The candidates are required to download the Admit cards from the website by following the instructions/schedule given therein. The candidate may please note that Admit cards will not be sent by post. The Admit cards uploaded on website is provisional and does not entail the eligibility of the candidate for admission to the course. The Admit Card bears the Roll Number, Name, Father’s Name, Category, Photograph, Date, Time, Venue of Entrance Test. The candidate should carefully examine the Admit Card downloaded by her for all the entries made therein. In case of any discrepancy, the candidate should immediately inform the University. In such cases, candidates would appear in the examination with the already downloaded Admit Card.

Admit Card process is over now…!!!

However, the University will take necessary action to make correction of factual error in the record later. No candidate will be allowed to sit in the test without having Admit Card and the University will not be responsible on this account. The candidates are advised to preserve their Admit cards in good condition till the admission process in the B.Sc Nursing course is over.

The candidate must show, on demand, the Admit Card for admission in the Examination Hall. A candidate who does not possess the Admit Card downloaded from the University website shall not be admitted to the Examination Hall under any circumstances by the Centre Superintendent.

During the examination time, the Invigilator will check Admit Card with the identification-cum attendance sheet of each candidate to satisfy herself about the identity of the candidate. Admit Card will be retained by the candidate thereafter. The Invigilator will also put her signature in the place provided on the Answer sheet Admit Card and Identification-cum-attendance sheet.
The admit Card will be retained by the candidates after the Entrance Test is over. Candidates are advised to preserve their Admit Cards in good conditions till counselling/admission in Colleges is over.

Exam Pattern

The medium of examination shall be English. The question paper will have 100 (One Hundred) MCQ objective type questions of one mark each. Each question have four options i.e. A, B, C & D. Out of which only one will be the correct option. The duration of Entrance Test will be 2 hours. There will be no negative marking for incorrect answers. 

The question paper will be in English language only of the following subjects:-

Exam Centres

The candidate should fill the name of one Examination Centre where she wants to appear in the Entrance Test. The details of the Examination Centres are as under :
  • Dharamshala
  • Hamirpur
  • Mandi
  • Shimla

Note : Examination centre once opted by the candidate shall not be changed under any circumstances. However, University reserves the right to allot any centre in view of the exigencies.

Answer Key

Himachal Pradesh University has published the Answer key of HPU B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Test 2016. The answer key is also provided here for the sake of candidates.


1. The result of all the candidates appeared in the entrance test has been declared and made available on the website of the University. No detail marks cards is to be sent to the candidates. The candidates may see their marks on the University Website No separate intimation is to be given to the candidates in this regard. There will be no re-checking/re-evaluation of the Answer-Sheet.

To check HPU B.Sc. Nursing Result 2016 – Click here

2. The minimum qualifying marks of the entrance test for admission to B.Sc. Nursing degree course shall be 45% for General & its sub-categories, and 40% for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes & their sub-categories and Physically Handicapped candidates.

3. Before declaration of result, the key answers as provided by the Examiner(s) which is moderated by a committee of the subject expert to be constituted by the Vice-Chancellor immediately after holding the Entrance Test. If the committee feels that the key answers as provided by the examiner is not proper, it takes again into consideration the views of the Examiner, give reasons for differing with the answer.

4. In case a question has more than one correct answer, the committee indicate the same in its report and where if no answer is correct, recommendations to this effect is also be made by the committee. 
The committee has also point out the printing error(s) in questions and their key answers, if any, and make necessary recommendations. Thereafter, before declaration of the result, the key answers has been displayed on the University website w.e.f. 07 Jul 2016 to 11 Jul 2016. Still, if a candidate does not satisfy with the key answers, she make representation with documentary proof to the Deputy Registrar(Secrecy) H.P. University, Shimla-171005 in person or through Fax No.0177-2831269 within the aforesaid dates and thereafter, no representation will be entertained under any circumstances. The said representations will be referred to the Moderation Committee of subject expert for their consideration and recommendations. In such cases, the decision/recommendations of the Moderation Committee shall be final and binding upon to all concerned. In such a way the result and its category-wise merit list will be declared/notified as per schedule.

Merit List

The combined and category-wise merit list based on the marks of the entrance test of all qualified candidates is prepared and notified. The said merit list is uploaded on the University website Merely assigning the rank in this merit list does not confer any right for admission.

To check HPU B.Sc. Nursing Merit List 2016 – Click here

Counselling  for HPU B.Sc. Nursing 

The counselling for all the qualified candidates has started as per following schedule in the H.P. University Auditorium, Shimla-171005 in accordance with the category-wise merit list notified by the University. The merit list has been displayed in the University Notice Board and also made available in the University Website The candidates are directed to check the result/merit rank and to make themselves present in the counselling accordingly. No separate call letters is to be sent to the qualified candidates for attending the counselling. They must bring with Admission-cum-Counselling Form along with photocopies dully self -attested all the required documents and counselling fee as mentioned here-in-after of this para.

Shortlisted Candidates for 2nd Counselling – New!

1. The list of the candidates called for second round of counseling re-scheduled to be held on 16 Sep 2016 at 10:30 am in the H.P. University, Auditorium , Summer Hill, Shimla-5 for filling up the vacant seats in Sister Nivedita Govt. Nursing College, IGMC, Shimla and Private Nursing Colleges under State/Management Quota for admission to B.Sc. Nursing 4 years Degree course for the academic session 2016-17 is hereby notified as under:-

2. This list is based on merit-cum-choice of the colleges exercised by the candidates during the 1st round of counseling held w.e.f. 1 Aug 2016 to 4 Aug 2016. Merely listed the name in this list does not confer any right for admission. However, the admission of the candidates will be made subject to availability of seats in order of merit in the Nursing colleges. The allotment of the seats will be made by the Counselling Committee on the day of counseling.

3. The Candidates are advised to check their name in this list as available on the University website www. along with vacancy position and accordingly to attend the 2nd round of counseling to be held on 16 Sep 2016 at 10:30 am in the H.P. University, Auditorium, Summer Hill, Shimla-5 along with required original certificates/documents. The candidates allotted seats in private nursing colleges are required to deposit an advance fee of Rs.10,000/- during the counselling with the college management and the remaining fee & other dues as per Govt. notification shall be deposited on the day of joining the college. In case, any candidate is unable to attend the counseling in person, she may depute an authorized person for attending the counseling, failing which her claim for admission shall be forfeited . No separate call letters will be issued for the said counseling.

4. The qualified candidates who had not attended the first round of counselling and their names figured in the category-wise merit list as notified by the University on 20 Jul 2016 can also report along with admission form as available on the University website duly filled in all respects and original certificates and photocopies of each certificates duly self attested in order to consider their names on the bottom of the list of the counselling for admission to B.Sc Nursing course against vacant seats in the Private Nursing colleges only.

5. Candidates can now check their name in the list on the official website or by a direct link that is posted on this page below.

Shortlisted Candidates for Second Round of Counselling – Check Here

Notified on 28 Jul 2016

Notified on 30 Aug 2016

Counselling Call Letter

Himachal Pradesh University has issued the call letter for the 1st counselling on their official website. Candidates appearing for counselling are advised to download their call letter before appearing for counselling. Direct link to download call letter is available on this page.

Download Counselling Call Letter – Process is over for 1st Counselling…!!!

Important notice for candidate 

1. The candidates are advised to check their name in the merit list and to make themselves present in the counselling accordingly, failing which their claim for admission shall stand forfeited. No separate call letters is to be sent to the candidates for attending the counselling. In case of any doubt/ query the candidates should personally or telephonically contact the University on Telephone No.0177-2830891, 2833587 & 2833588 well before the schedule of the aforesaid counselling. The University will not be responsible for non-communication for the purpose.

2. After 2nd round of counseling, vacant seats, if any, shall be filled up in order of merit from the waiting list or by way of shifting( in case of Govt. Nursing College) from the candidates so admitted in the private nursing colleges, as the case, may be, for which the lists of such candidates will be uploaded on the University website from time to time and the candidates can be informed telephonically in this regard. Therefore, the candidates are advised to remain in touch with the University website up to the closing date of admission i.e. 31.10.2016.

3. If a candidate has qualified the Entrance Test with the minimum percentage of marks i.e. 45% for candidates belonging to General and its sub-categories, and 40% for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped and their sub-categories as applicable, then her name will be appeared in the merit list. As such she will be entitled to attend the above said counselling as per schedule mentioned above.

Document to be required at the time of Counselling

1. The candidate must bring with Admission-cum-Counselling form as attached in the prospectus duly filled in all respects along with following original as well as photocopies of each certificates/documents duly self attested on the day of counseling:-

2. Matriculation or its equivalent examination certificate.

3. Certificate of having passed the qualifying examination i.e. 10+2 or its equivalent examination along with details of marks in each subject.

4. A copy of equivalence certificate issued by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala in the case of candidates having passed their 10+2 examination other than H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala/CBSE/ICSE.

5. A Certificate of good conduct/character from the Principal of the School/Institution last attended followed by a separate Character Certificate from the Tehsildar/Sub-Divisional Magistrate of the area concerned.

6. A certificate being a Children of Bonafide Himachali issued by the competent authority.

7. A certificate of being a Children of H.P. Govt. Employees/Employees of Autonomous Bodies wholly or partially financed by the H.P.Govt.

8. A certificates of particular reserved/sub-reserved category issued by the competent authority.

9. A Bank Draft/IPO of Rs. 100/- drawn in favor of the Finance Officer, H.P. University, Shimla on account of Counselling fee.

10. Admit Card issued by the H.P. University for Entrance Test.?


1. All original certificates are required for verification at the time of counselling.

2. The selected candidates should deposit Rs. 10,000/- only as advance fee with the allotted College/Institution at the time of counselling which will be adjusted in the Annual Fee later on. However, in the event of non-depositing the above required fee, the candidature of the candidates for admission shall stand cancelled automatically.

3. Admission- cum- Counselling Form and documents/certificates attached therewith will not be returned in any case. Incomplete form will lead to rejection.

4. The documents regarding Anti-Ragging measure will be submitted by the candidates at the time of admission in the Nursing College concerned along with affidavit.

5. The final eligibility of the candidates will be determined with reference to original documents at the time of counselling/admission by the Counselling Committee and before admitting the candidates to the course, the Principal of the colleges concerned shall also check the final eligibility of each candidates as per provisions of the prospectus. It will be the entire responsibility of the Principal of the colleges concerned to admit the eligible candidates to the course. Candidate herself must satisfy the prescribed eligibility criteria of the prospectus before taking the admission to the course. In the event of her ineligibility to be detected at later stage, her candidature shall liable to be cancelled without any notice for which the University shall no way be responsible.

6. The counselling will be done by personal appearance of the candidate. If a candidate is unable to appear in person, she may depute an authorized representative to attend the counselling as well as convey her choice of the College/Institution with a letter of authority as given at the end of the Admission Form, failing which the claim of such candidates shall be forfeited. The committee will also prepare a waiting list for filling up vacant seats in order of merit during the second round of counselling. The candidates not reporting for counselling as per schedule will forfeit their claim for admission without any further notice. No further opportunity will be given. The selected candidates will be required to join as per dates mentioned in the Prospectus, failing which their candidature will be cancelled automatically. The academic session will start from 1.9.2016. No admission will be made after 31.10.2016 even if the seats remain vacant in the college(s)/Institution(s).

7. The candidates must remain in touch with each process of the entrance test right from the declaration of result/merit list and up to the counselling schedule. In case of any doubt in this respect, the same be got clarified telephonically on Phone No. 0177-2830891,0177-2833587 & 0177-2833588 or personally in the office of Assistant Registrar (Entrance Tests), H.P. University, Shimla-5. If the doubt with regard to counselling is not cleared, the candidate can report on the very first day of the counselling for ascertaining her date of counselling, so that she may not lose her chance for admission.

The selected candidates will be required to deposit a sum of Rs. 10,000/- only as advance fee on the day of counselling with the concerned allotted college which will be adjusted in the annual fee and remaining fee and other dues will be deposited by the candidate in the college concerned on the day of taking the admission, failing which her claim for admission shall stand forfeited and the seat will be allotted to the next candidate on merit. Necessary instructions will be issued by the Principal of the colleges/institutions concerned.

8. In case of the Private B.Sc. Nursing College/Institutions, a candidate once allotted/admitted in a college will not be allowed to shift to another private B.Sc. Nursing College(s) and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. However, a candidate can opt for placing her as wait listed candidate for a particular Private College(s) of her choice during the course of counselling for filling up the vacant/drop-out seats during the second round of counselling at her own risk and responsibility. If the seats are not available later on, the University/Counselling Committee shall not in no way be responsible for non-admission. The vacancy position shall be intimated by the Principals of the concerned colleges immediately after the expiry of the date of admission to the Deputy Registrar (Entrance Tests) as well as Director Medical Education & Research, H.P. Shimla through fax in order to fill up the vacancy position from the waiting list on the basis of the counselling by the University.

9. A candidate who brings incomplete documents/certificate(s) at the time of counselling her candidature is liable to be rejected without any notice there and then by the counselling committee. However, the counselling committee reserves the right to take the decision in this regard. In the admission process the decision of the counselling Committee shall be final.

Admission Procedure

1. State Quota : Only those Female Children of Bonafide Himachali/Domicile/Children of H.P. Govt. Employees and Employees of Autonomous Bodies wholly or partially financed by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh who qualified the Entrance Test will be considered in order of merit of the Entrance Test for admission to B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course in Govt./Private Nursing Colleges subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria as contained in the Prospectus.

2. Management Quota : However, for Management Quota Seats, the above conditions does not apply and the candidates who have qualified the Entrance Test irrespective of having above status shall be considered for admission to B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course in order of Merit of Entrance Test in private Nursing colleges subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria as contained in the Prospectus.

3. The Principal(s) of B.Sc. Nursing College(s)/Institutions will also check the eligibility criteria of each candidate including settlement of discrepancy(ies) as pointed out by the counselling committee as per provision of the Prospectus before admitting the candidates in the College/Institution.

4. No shifting shall be allowed from one private nursing College/Institution to another private nursing College/Institution.

5. In the case of candidates having passed their 10+2 examination other then H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala/CBSE/ICSE, equivalence certificate issued by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala is required to be submitted at the time of counselling / admission by the candidates concerned.

Admission List

HPU has announced the list of the candidates(College-wise and Category-wise) sponsored for admission to B.Sc Nursing course on the basis of Ist round of counseling held on 1 Aug 2016 to 4 Aug 2016 for the academic session 2016-17. Candidates appeared in the counselling are advised to check the list of candidates selected for B.Sc Nursing course on the official website of the HPU. Direct link to check the Admission List is also available on this page.

Seat Matrix

(a) College-wise/Category-wise Distribution of Seats by following the 200 point reservation roster for Govt. Nursing College and for 50% State Quota Seats in Private Nursing colleges.

(b) College-wise/Category-wise Distribution of Seats for 50% Management Quota Seats by following the 200 point reservation roster in Private Nursing colleges.

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