Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Details of BVP HM 2016 Hotel Management Admissions

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BVP  Hotel Management  →  Entrance Exam is conducted by BVP for admission to Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHMCT) course at Institute of Hotel Management and Catering technology, Pune. Candidates seeking admission in BVP HM for Hotel Management Admissions can fill their application from the official website as per schedule. Those who fill their application will be eligible to recieve the admit card after the completion of application process. Entrance Examination will be held in the month of June 2016.

Important Dates and Events

Last date for submitting the completed Application Form 06 Jun 2016
Dispatch of Admit Card After scrutiny of Application form
Date of Entrance Test 14 Jun 2016
Declaration of Result 24 Jun 2016
Counselling and Spot Admission 28 Jun 2016
Commencement of Classes 01 July 2016


• To be eligible for Admission to First year Degree in Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHMCT) the candidate should have Passed the HSC (Std XII) examination of State Board of Secondary and Higher Education or its equivalent examination with compulsory English & Secured minimum 45% marks in aggregate at the HSC (Std XII) examination (40% in case of SC/ST

Note → The term ‘aggregate marks’ used here shall mean the grand total marks obtained by the candidate, taken together for all the subjects, based on which the class declaration is made in that particular recognized Board from where the candidate has obtained the HSC passing certificate. The candidate should have completed a minimum of 12 years of formal education (on 10 + 2 basis

• Those students who have completed the three years Diploma Course in Hotel Management & Catering Technology (National Council or State Board of Technical Education) are eligible to be admitted directly to the seventh semester of BHMCT.

• Those students desirous of taking a transfer from BHMCT to BSc(H & HA) course and vice-versa after completion of first year can do so provided he/she has passed in all the subjects and the students of BSc(H & HA) course have fulfilled the eligibility criteria for BHMCT .

• Those students who have completed first year or second year and desirous of transfer from another college to BVDU IHMCT can be considered if the student fulfills the following conditions.

• The student should have passed in all subjects of the First year and/or Second year.

• The student shall apply to the Principal in the prescribed manner for such transfer provided there are seats vacant in the class.

• An application for a transfer shall invariably be accompanied by –(i) the mark sheet of the examination passed ii) College leaving certificate (iii) Migration certificate (iv) An undertaking that the student will appear for the subjects which the candidate has not appeared in the first/second year.

Reason for transfer

To be eligible for Admission to First year Degree in Science (Hospitality & Hotel Administration) the candidate should have Passed the HSC (Std XII) examination of State Board of Secondary and Higher Education or its equivalent examination with compulsory English.

Note → The term ‘aggregate marks’ used here shall mean the grand total marks obtained by the candidate, taken together for all the subjects, based on which the class declaration is made in that particular recognized Board from where the candidate has obtained the HSC passing certificate. The candidate should have completed a minimum of 12 years of formal education (on 10 + 2 basis).

Qualifying Examinations for Indian Students

1. Plus two level examination in the 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary education of any recognized Central/State Board, such as Central Board of Secondary Education and Council for Indian School Certificate Examination or State Boards of Secondary Education.

2. Intermediate of two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board/University.
General Certificate Education(GCE) Examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.

3. High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University.

4. Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in a foreign country recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary Education.

5. Higher Secondary Certificate with Vocational Examination (Any vocational subject)

6. Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects including English as one of the subjects.

 Details Of Admit Card

• Admission cards for HM-2016 Test will be dispatched by post to the candidate under the certificate of posting. The Admission card will indicate Roll number & test center allotted to the candidate with its address.

• The candidate must not mutilate this admission card or change any entry mode therein, after the authorities have authenticated it.

• Incase if the admission card is not received by the CANDIDATE , he/she should contact at the office of Bharati Vidyapeeth at New-Delhi, Navi Mumbai & Pune or the Test Centre one day prior to Test during working hours for collecting the Duplicate Admission Card. In such a situation, the candidate should bring two copies of the photograph along with him/her and a proof of submission/mailing of the application form.

Examination  Pattern

The Entrance Test HM-2016 for admission to BHMCT/BSc(H & HA) programme will be conducted on 14th June, 2016 from 10.00 a.m. onwards. The duration of HM-2016 test will be for two hours. The test will consists of 100 multiple choice questions with four options (a)(b)(c)(d) with only one correct answer. Each question will have one mark. There will be no negative marking. The questions will be generally based on topics like Mathematics (based on curriculum up to SSC (Std X) level of Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education), Communication Skills, and Logic. The details of subjective questions are as follows.

Subject No. of Questions
Reasoning & Logical Deduction 20
Numerical Ability 20
Scientific Aptitude 20
General Knowledge 20
English Language 20

* Scientific Aptitude Duration is → 2 hours

Test Centers

The HM- 2016 test will be held at the following Centres

1. Pune
2. New Delhi

• The candidates are requested to indicate their choice of centre at the appropriate place in the application form.

• The authorities of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, however, reserve the right to make suitable change in Centers, venues or schedule of HM – 2016 test subject to exigencies of the situation.

Result Details 

The result of the written test will be declared as per schedule on by 5.00 pm showing ranking of candidates for the programme. Separate merit list will be prepared for Regular category and Foreign/NRI/PIO/OCI/Management category.

• For more detail of Admission →  Download Information Brochure.

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