KCET → It is Optional Entry 2016 is the process where in candidates who have been allotted rank in the candidate can select options for seats. Based on options entered in the Karnataka CET Option Entry and candidate’s rank (merit), seat is allotted during counselling and seat allotment.Director, Directorate of Medical Education, in their letter dated 24 Sep 2016 issued the seat matrix for 121 medical and 13 dental seats which were surrendered from All India Quota and requested KEA to conduct online seat allotment for the Medical seats. Hence the option entry schedule to enter the options for medical seats is extended up to 2.00 pm on 26 Sep 2016.
• Revised Schedule of Option Entry for the KCET 2016 is given below.
Cancelled Seats
Seat availability of General, Hyd-Kar & Special Category for Discipline Medical & Dental, Farm Science and B.V.Sc & Discipline ISM&H – (AYUSH) courses of Karnataka CET 2016 is available on this page below.
Discipline ISM&H – (AYUSH)
Notified on 07 Sep 2016 → Government in their Order No. HFW 230 PTO 2016 Bangalore dated 20-08-2016 has issued the seat matrix to conduct online seat allotment through KEA for Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy & Yoga courses for the year 2016-17.
Accordingly the 848 Ayurveda, 253 Homoeopathy, 81 Unani and 79 Naturopathy & Yoga seats will be offered for selection through online seat allotment to the eligible ISM & H rank holders. The interested candidates can participate in this round as per the following schedule.
• For ISMH (AYUSH) Option Entry → Click Here
• Check Seat Matrix here → General | Hyd Kr | Spl.
• For ISMH (AYUSH) Allotment Result → Click Here
• The candidates who have selected seat, not selected any seat, selected and reported to the college, candidates who have cancelled their seats are eligible to participate in this round.
• In this round candidates have to enter their priority of ISM & H options afresh. (Fresh Option Entry)
• Candidates who have selected seat and reported to the colleges are also eligible to participate in this round.
• Candidates who are already admitted to colleges are advised to attend this round only if they are interested in AYUSH seat and after confirming of getting the original documents within the stipulated time from the present college. The seat selected by the candidates in any discipline will get cancelled automatically upon selection of a seat in this round and for any reason they will not get back the old seat but to compulsorily join the allotted colleges.
• The responsibility of obtaining the original documents from the present college for admitting to the newly allotted college within the stipulated date and time solely lies with the candidates.
• Please note that if any AYUSH seat is allotted in this round as per merit and options entered by the candidate, there is no chance of getting back the earlier allotted seat.
• All other guidelines and procedures given in the CET-2016 brochure remain same for all other purposes.
Note → The candidates who are already reported / admitted to the college and pursuing their studies in the college are hereby informed to participate in this round in consultation with their parents and only if they are interested in ISMH courses. The seat held by them will get cancelled automatically upon selection of a seat in this round and for any reason they will not be eligible to continue in the college allotted to them in the earlier rounds. Candidates have to compulsory report to the allotted college on or before the last date prescribed and if a candidate fails to report to the allotted college they will not be having any seat in their favour; they will lose both the seats and fee will not be refunded. After the seat allotment in this round candidate has to compulsorily report to the allotted college. .
• No individual intimation will be sent to the eligible rank holders regarding the above schedule.
• The process is being conducted by Karnataka Examinations Authority. The KCET 2016 option entry is to be done for seat allotment for KCET students. KEA is conducting seat allotment online for admissions to various Professional Courses for the year 2016.
Entry & Seat Allotment Schedule for Second Extended Round
Second Extended Round Allotment Results
Second Extended Round Allotment Results declared. Candidates can check their result on the official website of KCET Option Entry 2016 or by a direct link which is given below.
Check Second Extended Round Allotment Results here
Click here to check Allotment Result
Click here to check Post Allotment Instructions to Candidates
Second Extended Round Option Entry
The Second Extended Round seat allotment for CET-2016 will be conducted as per the schedule given above. The interested eligible candidates (except those who have exercised Choice 1 in First Round or Choice 1 in Second Round and reported to the college, candidates who have cancelled the allotted seats and Choice 4 Candidates) can participate in this round.
Click here to fill web options for 2nd Extended Round
Additional Seats in Second Extended Round
Medical & Dental – General – Additional Seats
Medical & Dental – Hyd-Kar – Additional Seats
Medical & Dental – Special Category – Additional Seats
In this round candidates are allowed to enter options afresh. (Fresh Option Entry – Add / Delete / Modify / Re-order)
The candidates who wish to surrender the KEA seat selected in First round or in the Second round, they can cancel the seat before the last day for entry of options in the second extended round i.e., before 1.00 pm on 25-07-2016 and they are entitled to get a refund of fee amount after deducting Rs.5,000/- from the paid amount.
The candidates who have selected seat in First round or in the Second round and surrenders the seat after 1.00 p.m. on 25-07-2016, for such candidates entire amount paid by the candidates will be forfeited as per rules.
The candidate who surrenders the seat allotted in the Second Extended Round, for such candidates, entire amount paid by the candidates will be forfeited as per rules
• Check the complete notice about the Second Extended Counseling → HERE
Second Round Allotment Result
KEA has announced the Second Round Allotment Result for KCET 2016. The candidates who participated in Second Allotment can check the seats allotted to them by entering the CET no. through the direct link provided below.
Checking the First Round Allotment Result 2016 Click here
Second Round Instructions and Guidelines Click here
Second Round Option Entry
Candidates can now fill choices for the Second Round of KCET Option Entry. To exercise the option filling, the candidates are required to login using the CET Number. For the sake of candidates, the direct link to login for KCET 2016 Option Entry has been provided below
To check list of candidates who opted for Choice 3 – Click here
To check list of candidates who opted for Choice 4 – Click here
• Delete, Rearrange & Modification of Options Link up to 1:00 PM on 17 Jul 2016.
Detail of First Round Allotment Result
KEA has announced the First Round Allotment Result for KCET 2016. The candidates who participated in First Allotment can check the seats allotted to them by entering the CET no. through the direct link provided below.
• Candidates are required to verify their allotted seat status on the KEA Website http://kea.kar.nic.in , if they desire they are free to change, reorder, delete and add to their choices of courses / colleges as per their preference.
• All the candidates must enter their final options before the last date prescribed. Candidates will not be able to change their options after the last date and time fixed to do so.
• Even though the candidate may not like to modify the options after the Mock Allotment, he / she may NOT get the same seat during the Real Allotment as other candidates may change their earlier entered options.
• The mock test is only to help the candidates familiarize and show them the course and college allotted to them and it should be in no way presumed that same seat and college will be allotted to them in the actual allotment of seats. Because, the candidates have the option of changing the priority of the options entered by them after the mock allotment.
• This Mock Seat Allotment is only an INDICATIVE seat status which candidate may or may not get in the real allotment. It will help the candidate to revise, update, add or delete already the entered options.
• Eligible candidates, who have not entered their options till now, can also enter their priority of options before the last date and time prescribed.
Option Entry (Actual)
Karnataka Examinations Authority is conducting seat allotment online for admissions to various Professional Courses for the year 2016-17. In this regard mock trial of option entry training session for practice was conducted from 14 Jun 2016 to 16 Jun 2016. KEA has started actual option entry on 17 Jun 2016.
Rank holder has to visit the official website or use the direct link for Option Entry as given below.
KCET 2016 Real Option Entry
• Clarification on Entering of Medical / Dental / ISMH options
Candidates who have not claimed special category in their CET Online Application – 2016 and will not be considered for the allotment under special category:
Important Points for Candidates
Practice Training for Option Entry has been planned from 14-06-2016 to 16-06-2016 to familiarise all the CET rank holder to get themselves trained on the Option Entry System for availing CET admission.
This practice option entry for Rank holders is to make the rank holders gain confidence and get hands on training for the real option entry which will start as per the notified schedule.
Please note that the options to be entered by you is for practice purpose only and will not be valid for CET-2016 seat allotment.
Candidates are requested to enter the CET Application Number as the Unique Key Word for login for hands on training practice of Option Entry.
All the options entered by the candidates for practise session will be erased and candidates have to enter the options afresh for actual seat allotment.
Those who have completed the document verification process are also requested to enter the CET application number as the Unique Key Word but not the Secret Key Code issued to them.
You are informed to verify your mobile number furnished earlier and save it along with valid e-mail ID during the above login process. The mobile number and email ID play the major role for SMS and email alerts respectively
Important Instructions On Option Entry
The options entered by the candidate for the first round will remain same for all the rounds of seat allotment. The candidates will not be allowed to enter options again. Option Entry done before the first round will be the final list of options. The priority of options entered by the candidate will be shown on the option entry module by obtaining the candidate credentials. Candidate may delete or alter order of higher options. The candidate will be allowed to add new options for any colleges and course that came into the seat matrix after the first round.
The Draft Seat Matrix for KCET 2016 has been published. The candidates must check the seat matrix and fill their web options accordingly. The direct link to check the KCET 2016 Seat Matrix has been provided below. If any discrepancy in the draft seat matrix (Engineering & Architecture) pertaining to your college, please contact Under Secretary, Higher Education for any rectification and clarification.
Seat Matrix
College-wise Seat Matrix
Open any browser and enter kea.kar.nic.in in the address bar and then hit Enter.
After successful entry in to the website address candidates have to select the link titled as “UGCET-2016 –OPTION ENTRY” which will take you to next screen.
Login for the First Time
Every Candidate has to enter his / her CET Number, CET Application Number along with the unique keyword which is printed on the verification slip issued to him / her after verification.
1. Open any browser and enter the website address as kea.kar.nic.in in the address bar. Hit Enter Button in the key board.
2. Enter the random text shown in the image (CAPTCHA)
Click Submit button
Change Password
Correctly, check all the basic details which you have entered earlier. After ascertaining the correctness of the entry the system will allow the candidate to enter the new password. Please remember this password for continuation of the process of registration, option filling and option saving. This password or changed password will be required till completion of Online Allotment Process. You can change your password any number of times.
Change Password option is used to change password of the candidate login. You can change your Password for secured login.
• Your password needs to be carefully and confidentially retained by you. KEA will not be responsible for any consequences arising due to forgotten password / misuse of your password.
Option Work Sheet
• By Clicking on the hyper link “Option Work Sheet,” a new window will be loaded. The Window will load the “Option Work Sheet” take a print of the same by clicking on the link “Click here to Print Report”.
• The hard copy of “Option Work Sheet” will be useful to work out with option entry of courses in various colleges under various course / streams depending on the candidate rank over the course stream.
Step 1: Go to Home Page
Step 2: Click the link “Option Work Sheet”
Step 3: A Pop up window will be loaded.
Step 4: Click the link “Click here to Print Report” to take the print out of “Option Work Sheet”.
By Clicking on the hyper link “Detailed Option Work Sheet”, a new window will be loaded. The Window will load with “Detailed option work sheet” take a print by a clicking link “Click here to Print Report”.
The hard copy of “Detailed Option Work Sheet” will have the details of Group, Type, College, Option Number, Course Description, and College Description, so that a candidate will have clear overview of college details. This report will be useful to work out the option entry of courses in various colleges under various course streams based on the candidate’s rank.
Step 1: Go to Home Page.
Step 2: Click the link “Detailed Option Work Sheet”
Step 3: A Pop up window will be loaded.
Step 4: Click the link “Click here to Print Report” to take the print out of “Detailed Option Work Sheet”
Mock Allotment
• After the entry of options are completed, based on the options entered by the candidates in the order of merit and by following the Roster System MOCK SEAT ALLOTMENT will be carried out as per the procedures explained in this Brochure. This Mock Seat Allotment is only an INDICATIVE seat status which candidate may or may not get in the real allotment. It will help the candidate to revise, update, add or delete already the entered options.
• Candidates are required to verify their allotted seat status on the KEA website at kea.kar.nic.in, if they desire they are free to change, reorder, delete and add to their choices of courses / colleges as per their preference. All the candidates must enter their final options before the last date prescribed. Candidates will not be able to change their options after the last date and time fixed to do so. Even though the candidate may not like to modify the options after the Mock Allotment, he / she may not get the same seat during the Real Allotment as other candidates may change their earlier entered options.
• Access to mock result will be enabled to the candidates. Candidates can enter their CET Number to know their mock result. It will be hosted on the website http://kea.kar.nic.in Candidates will also be able to view the details of seat allotted as per their options priority. Candidates can also view the College-wise, Course-wise, Category-wise cut off rank of Mock Allotment. Candidates, who have not been allotted any seat in the Mock allotment, should verify the options entered by them and are advised to enter more options in which they are interested.
The interested eligible candidates can exercise their priority of options for Dental, ISMH, Agriculture and Veterinary seats along with these medical seats up to 2.00 pm on 26 Sep 2016. Further the schedule published on 21 Sep 2016 for allotment of medical and other seats is revised as detailed below

Some important links given below
For More Information about KCET Option Entry → Click Here
To Check Seat Availability in Medical as on 21 Sep 2016 → Click Here
Medical Colleges for Academic Year 2016-17 [Based on OC Directions] → Check Here
For Medical, Dental, ISM&H (AYUSH) and Farm Science Round Allotment Result → Click Here
Seat availability of General, Hyd-Kar & Special Category for Discipline Medical & Dental, Farm Science and B.V.Sc & Discipline ISM&H – (AYUSH) courses of Karnataka CET 2016 is available on this page below.
Discipline ISM&H – (AYUSH)
Accordingly the 848 Ayurveda, 253 Homoeopathy, 81 Unani and 79 Naturopathy & Yoga seats will be offered for selection through online seat allotment to the eligible ISM & H rank holders. The interested candidates can participate in this round as per the following schedule.

• Check Seat Matrix here → General | Hyd Kr | Spl.
• For ISMH (AYUSH) Allotment Result → Click Here
• In this round candidates have to enter their priority of ISM & H options afresh. (Fresh Option Entry)
• Candidates who have selected seat and reported to the colleges are also eligible to participate in this round.
• Candidates who are already admitted to colleges are advised to attend this round only if they are interested in AYUSH seat and after confirming of getting the original documents within the stipulated time from the present college. The seat selected by the candidates in any discipline will get cancelled automatically upon selection of a seat in this round and for any reason they will not get back the old seat but to compulsorily join the allotted colleges.
• The responsibility of obtaining the original documents from the present college for admitting to the newly allotted college within the stipulated date and time solely lies with the candidates.
• Please note that if any AYUSH seat is allotted in this round as per merit and options entered by the candidate, there is no chance of getting back the earlier allotted seat.
• All other guidelines and procedures given in the CET-2016 brochure remain same for all other purposes.
Note → The candidates who are already reported / admitted to the college and pursuing their studies in the college are hereby informed to participate in this round in consultation with their parents and only if they are interested in ISMH courses. The seat held by them will get cancelled automatically upon selection of a seat in this round and for any reason they will not be eligible to continue in the college allotted to them in the earlier rounds. Candidates have to compulsory report to the allotted college on or before the last date prescribed and if a candidate fails to report to the allotted college they will not be having any seat in their favour; they will lose both the seats and fee will not be refunded. After the seat allotment in this round candidate has to compulsorily report to the allotted college. .
• No individual intimation will be sent to the eligible rank holders regarding the above schedule.
• The process is being conducted by Karnataka Examinations Authority. The KCET 2016 option entry is to be done for seat allotment for KCET students. KEA is conducting seat allotment online for admissions to various Professional Courses for the year 2016.

Second Extended Round Allotment Results declared. Candidates can check their result on the official website of KCET Option Entry 2016 or by a direct link which is given below.
Check Second Extended Round Allotment Results here
Click here to check Allotment Result
Click here to check Post Allotment Instructions to Candidates
Second Extended Round Option Entry
The Second Extended Round seat allotment for CET-2016 will be conducted as per the schedule given above. The interested eligible candidates (except those who have exercised Choice 1 in First Round or Choice 1 in Second Round and reported to the college, candidates who have cancelled the allotted seats and Choice 4 Candidates) can participate in this round.
Click here to fill web options for 2nd Extended Round
Additional Seats in Second Extended Round
Medical & Dental – General – Additional Seats
Medical & Dental – Hyd-Kar – Additional Seats
Medical & Dental – Special Category – Additional Seats
In this round candidates are allowed to enter options afresh. (Fresh Option Entry – Add / Delete / Modify / Re-order)
The candidates who wish to surrender the KEA seat selected in First round or in the Second round, they can cancel the seat before the last day for entry of options in the second extended round i.e., before 1.00 pm on 25-07-2016 and they are entitled to get a refund of fee amount after deducting Rs.5,000/- from the paid amount.
The candidates who have selected seat in First round or in the Second round and surrenders the seat after 1.00 p.m. on 25-07-2016, for such candidates entire amount paid by the candidates will be forfeited as per rules.
The candidate who surrenders the seat allotted in the Second Extended Round, for such candidates, entire amount paid by the candidates will be forfeited as per rules
• Check the complete notice about the Second Extended Counseling → HERE
Entry and Seat allotment schedule for Second Round

KEA has announced the Second Round Allotment Result for KCET 2016. The candidates who participated in Second Allotment can check the seats allotted to them by entering the CET no. through the direct link provided below.
Checking the First Round Allotment Result 2016 Click here
Second Round Instructions and Guidelines Click here
Second Round Option Entry
Candidates can now fill choices for the Second Round of KCET Option Entry. To exercise the option filling, the candidates are required to login using the CET Number. For the sake of candidates, the direct link to login for KCET 2016 Option Entry has been provided below
To check list of candidates who opted for Choice 3 – Click here
To check list of candidates who opted for Choice 4 – Click here
• Delete, Rearrange & Modification of Options Link up to 1:00 PM on 17 Jul 2016.
KEA has announced the First Round Allotment Result for KCET 2016. The candidates who participated in First Allotment can check the seats allotted to them by entering the CET no. through the direct link provided below.
Check First Round Allotment Result 2016 → Click here
Fee Payment & Admission Order Download → Click here
Note → The candidate (Choice-1) who has sanctioned in ARIVU scheme by D Devaraj URS Backward Classes Development Corporation or by Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation can download the admission order directly without making payment.
Fee Payment & Admission Order Download → Click here
Note → The candidate (Choice-1) who has sanctioned in ARIVU scheme by D Devaraj URS Backward Classes Development Corporation or by Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation can download the admission order directly without making payment.

• Candidates are required to verify their allotted seat status on the KEA Website http://kea.kar.nic.in , if they desire they are free to change, reorder, delete and add to their choices of courses / colleges as per their preference.
• All the candidates must enter their final options before the last date prescribed. Candidates will not be able to change their options after the last date and time fixed to do so.
• Even though the candidate may not like to modify the options after the Mock Allotment, he / she may NOT get the same seat during the Real Allotment as other candidates may change their earlier entered options.
• The mock test is only to help the candidates familiarize and show them the course and college allotted to them and it should be in no way presumed that same seat and college will be allotted to them in the actual allotment of seats. Because, the candidates have the option of changing the priority of the options entered by them after the mock allotment.
• This Mock Seat Allotment is only an INDICATIVE seat status which candidate may or may not get in the real allotment. It will help the candidate to revise, update, add or delete already the entered options.
• Eligible candidates, who have not entered their options till now, can also enter their priority of options before the last date and time prescribed.
Option Entry (Actual)
Karnataka Examinations Authority is conducting seat allotment online for admissions to various Professional Courses for the year 2016-17. In this regard mock trial of option entry training session for practice was conducted from 14 Jun 2016 to 16 Jun 2016. KEA has started actual option entry on 17 Jun 2016.
Rank holder has to visit the official website or use the direct link for Option Entry as given below.
KCET 2016 Real Option Entry
• Clarification on Entering of Medical / Dental / ISMH options
Candidates who have not claimed special category in their CET Online Application – 2016 and will not be considered for the allotment under special category:
Practice Training for Option Entry has been planned from 14-06-2016 to 16-06-2016 to familiarise all the CET rank holder to get themselves trained on the Option Entry System for availing CET admission.
The last year (2015) seat matrix made available to you is purely for practice purpose. From this seat matrix no inference shall be drawn for CET-2016 real option entry for seat allotment.
This practice option entry for Rank holders is to make the rank holders gain confidence and get hands on training for the real option entry which will start as per the notified schedule.
Please note that the options to be entered by you is for practice purpose only and will not be valid for CET-2016 seat allotment.
Candidates are requested to enter the CET Application Number as the Unique Key Word for login for hands on training practice of Option Entry.
All the options entered by the candidates for practise session will be erased and candidates have to enter the options afresh for actual seat allotment.
Those who have completed the document verification process are also requested to enter the CET application number as the Unique Key Word but not the Secret Key Code issued to them.
You are informed to verify your mobile number furnished earlier and save it along with valid e-mail ID during the above login process. The mobile number and email ID play the major role for SMS and email alerts respectively
Important Instructions On Option Entry
The options entered by the candidate for the first round will remain same for all the rounds of seat allotment. The candidates will not be allowed to enter options again. Option Entry done before the first round will be the final list of options. The priority of options entered by the candidate will be shown on the option entry module by obtaining the candidate credentials. Candidate may delete or alter order of higher options. The candidate will be allowed to add new options for any colleges and course that came into the seat matrix after the first round.
Seat Matrix
The Draft Seat Matrix for KCET 2016 has been published. The candidates must check the seat matrix and fill their web options accordingly. The direct link to check the KCET 2016 Seat Matrix has been provided below. If any discrepancy in the draft seat matrix (Engineering & Architecture) pertaining to your college, please contact Under Secretary, Higher Education for any rectification and clarification.
Seat Matrix
Seat matrix – Engineering College (VTU) → Click here
Seat matrix – Engineering College (Priv. Univ.) → Click here
Option Entry
Seat matrix – Engineering College (Priv. Univ.) → Click here
Option Entry
Open any browser and enter kea.kar.nic.in in the address bar and then hit Enter.
After successful entry in to the website address candidates have to select the link titled as “UGCET-2016 –OPTION ENTRY” which will take you to next screen.
Login for the First Time
Every Candidate has to enter his / her CET Number, CET Application Number along with the unique keyword which is printed on the verification slip issued to him / her after verification.
1. Open any browser and enter the website address as kea.kar.nic.in in the address bar. Hit Enter Button in the key board.
2. Enter the random text shown in the image (CAPTCHA)
Click Submit button
3. Enter Application Number which is printed on the application form.
Enter Secret Unique Keyword Provided after completion of verification of documents.
Enter New Password (should consist of at least one alphabet and one number and should be of at least eight characters) (This is your secret Password, do not disclose your password to others to prevent misuse)
Confirm New Password (should same as your New Password)
Enter your Mobile Number (should be a valid mobile number in India, this is the number to which SMS alerts will be sent by KEA, so it is very important that you enter the correct number carefully. Just as you have done in the Application Form that you filled in the Verification Centre).
Enter your E-Mail Id: (should be a valid e-mail id and this is the e-mail id to which log in and log out details will be sent, so it is important that you enter carefully and check the details).
Select Secret Hint question from the List.
Type hint answer for the secret question (Remember the Secret Hint Question selected and the answer you have provided to it).
4. USER ID and Password will be created for future access. Please remember the same and keep it confidential. KEAwill not be responsible for consequences arising from misuse of Password and secret key.
Secret Key → Secret Key consisting of eight alphanumeric characters will be printed on the Verification Slip. This Secret Key is UNIQUE to every candidate. You are required to keep it confidential and this is to be used for your access to the Option Entry Login on the KEA website.
5.Click “Login”Button.
Candidates should verify their basic information such as name, category, rank, etc.
You will enter your Homepage on the Option Entry website.
Check your details appearing on this page-you will see your name, CET Rank, your Rank discipline wise, whether you are eligible to the Supernumerary Quota etc.
Enter Secret Unique Keyword Provided after completion of verification of documents.
Enter New Password (should consist of at least one alphabet and one number and should be of at least eight characters) (This is your secret Password, do not disclose your password to others to prevent misuse)
Confirm New Password (should same as your New Password)
Enter your Mobile Number (should be a valid mobile number in India, this is the number to which SMS alerts will be sent by KEA, so it is very important that you enter the correct number carefully. Just as you have done in the Application Form that you filled in the Verification Centre).
Enter your E-Mail Id: (should be a valid e-mail id and this is the e-mail id to which log in and log out details will be sent, so it is important that you enter carefully and check the details).
Select Secret Hint question from the List.
Type hint answer for the secret question (Remember the Secret Hint Question selected and the answer you have provided to it).
4. USER ID and Password will be created for future access. Please remember the same and keep it confidential. KEAwill not be responsible for consequences arising from misuse of Password and secret key.
Secret Key → Secret Key consisting of eight alphanumeric characters will be printed on the Verification Slip. This Secret Key is UNIQUE to every candidate. You are required to keep it confidential and this is to be used for your access to the Option Entry Login on the KEA website.
5.Click “Login”Button.
Candidates should verify their basic information such as name, category, rank, etc.
You will enter your Homepage on the Option Entry website.
Check your details appearing on this page-you will see your name, CET Rank, your Rank discipline wise, whether you are eligible to the Supernumerary Quota etc.

Change Password
Correctly, check all the basic details which you have entered earlier. After ascertaining the correctness of the entry the system will allow the candidate to enter the new password. Please remember this password for continuation of the process of registration, option filling and option saving. This password or changed password will be required till completion of Online Allotment Process. You can change your password any number of times.
Change Password option is used to change password of the candidate login. You can change your Password for secured login.
1. Go to Home Page
Click the link “Change Password.
2. Enter Current Password
Enter New Password
Re-enter New Password and click the button Change Password. You have successfully changed your password.

• Your password needs to be carefully and confidentially retained by you. KEA will not be responsible for any consequences arising due to forgotten password / misuse of your password.
Option Work Sheet
• By Clicking on the hyper link “Option Work Sheet,” a new window will be loaded. The Window will load the “Option Work Sheet” take a print of the same by clicking on the link “Click here to Print Report”.
• The hard copy of “Option Work Sheet” will be useful to work out with option entry of courses in various colleges under various course / streams depending on the candidate rank over the course stream.
Step 1: Go to Home Page
Step 2: Click the link “Option Work Sheet”
Step 3: A Pop up window will be loaded.
Step 4: Click the link “Click here to Print Report” to take the print out of “Option Work Sheet”.

Detailed Option Work Sheet
Step 1: Go to Home Page.
Step 2: Click the link “Detailed Option Work Sheet”
Step 3: A Pop up window will be loaded.
Step 4: Click the link “Click here to Print Report” to take the print out of “Detailed Option Work Sheet”


Mock Allotment
• After the entry of options are completed, based on the options entered by the candidates in the order of merit and by following the Roster System MOCK SEAT ALLOTMENT will be carried out as per the procedures explained in this Brochure. This Mock Seat Allotment is only an INDICATIVE seat status which candidate may or may not get in the real allotment. It will help the candidate to revise, update, add or delete already the entered options.
• Candidates are required to verify their allotted seat status on the KEA website at kea.kar.nic.in, if they desire they are free to change, reorder, delete and add to their choices of courses / colleges as per their preference. All the candidates must enter their final options before the last date prescribed. Candidates will not be able to change their options after the last date and time fixed to do so. Even though the candidate may not like to modify the options after the Mock Allotment, he / she may not get the same seat during the Real Allotment as other candidates may change their earlier entered options.
• Access to mock result will be enabled to the candidates. Candidates can enter their CET Number to know their mock result. It will be hosted on the website http://kea.kar.nic.in Candidates will also be able to view the details of seat allotted as per their options priority. Candidates can also view the College-wise, Course-wise, Category-wise cut off rank of Mock Allotment. Candidates, who have not been allotted any seat in the Mock allotment, should verify the options entered by them and are advised to enter more options in which they are interested.