Friday, 14 October 2016

IGNOU Admission 2016 – July Session Details

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The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), established by an Act of Parliament in 1985, has continuously striven to build an inclusive knowledge society through inclusive education. It has tried to increase the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) by offering high-quality teaching through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode. The University began by offering two academic programmes in 1987, i.e., Diploma in Management and Diploma in Distance Education, with a strength of 4,528 students.

Indira Gandhi National Open University, announces ADMISSION to the following Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Academic Programmes for the Academic Cycle commencing from July 2016. The details of the programs, along with the common admission prospectus and application form are given here.

Important Dates

Event  Dates
Last Date for Certificate Programme 15 Jun 2016
Last Date for Certificate Programme (with Rs 300/- late fee) 30 Jun 2016
Last Date for All other Programme 17 Aug 2016
Last Date for All other Programme(with Rs 300/- late fee) 31 Aug 2016

IGNOU Admission 2016 Application Form

Online Application Form of IGNOU Admission 2016 for July Session is available now on the official website. Candidates can also fill the application form online through the direct link, which is given below.

Buy Prospectus from Regional Centre in person for Rs. 200/-, or ask by post from the address given below by sending a DD of Rs. 250/- in favor of IGNOU, New Delhi.

Step for filling Online Form

  • Click on “LOGIN” button from the homepage of Online admission system and then login with your User Name and password by clicking the “LOGIN” button given on the login screen.
  • Fill personal details, programme details, qualification details, course details, and correspondence details. Remember, while filling qualification details.
  • If your subjects are different than the subjects mentioned; click the “OTHERS” check box.
  • For those with qualification of graduation and above, in the field “Board Code” select “9999”.
  • Upload Scanned Documents: Remember, before this step you should must have the relevant scanned

 Documents (It is suggested to scan documents from your originals). These include

  • Scanned Photograph (less than 100 KB)
  • Scanned Signature (less than 100 KB)
  • Scanned copy of Age Proof.
  • Scanned copy of relevant Educational Qualification (less than 400 KB)
  • Scanned Copy of Experience Certificate (if any). (less than 400 KB)
  • Scanned Copy of Category Certificate, if SC/ST/OBC. (less than 400 KB)
  • Scanned Copy of BPL Certificate, if Below Poverty Line. (less than 400 KB)

Pay your Programme fee through debit/credit card (Master/Visa/Rupay) and Net banking

    • Payment by Debit/Credit Card (Master/Visa/Rupay): You have to select Debit/Credit Card option to pay the programme fee and follow the online instruction to complete the payment of fee. After successful payment, you will be able to print/save the payment confirmation slip.
    • Payment by Net banking : If you have net banking account select this option. You will be redirected to your bank website.
    • Payment by ATM Card (PNB)

    Once you have uploaded the document and click the “NEXT” button you will get the Form Preview option. Save/Print your form for future reference.

    Important Point

    1. Candidates seeking admission to the MAEDU programme are advised not to pay the programme fee along with the filled in application form. They will get a separate communication about their admission and payment of fee from the concerned Regional Centre. They are required to pay only the Registration fee of Rs.200/- along with the filled in application form. The admission to MAEDU programme will be made on the basis of a merit list of candidates to be prepared by the concerned RC.

    2. For PGDMCH, the experience does not necessarily mean work experience in Government service. It will be counted as period between the date of completion of internship and June 30 irrespective of place of work. PGDMCH is being offered through Programme Study Centre (Medical Colleges) and Skill Development Centres (District Hospitals) which would be allocated by the Regional Centre after finalization of the admission.

    3. PGDT is a Programme of Translation from English-to-Hindi and vice-versa. It is advisable for students seeking admission in it to have proficiency in both languages.
    4. The Candidates of M.Sc.(MACS) should select the programme centre from the list as given in the prospectus. The candidates of PGDMCH, PGDHHM, PGDGM, DNA, MSCMACS, MAEDU, should deposit only the Registration Fee of Rs.200/- with the application form. Their selection will be determined by way of a merit list and they will be duly informed. Only selected candidates will be required to pay the Programme Fee within a stipulated date. DNA students are also required to fill Form A, PGDMCH & PGDGM students are also required to fill the Form-B, PGDHHM students to fill the Form-C. CCPD students to fill the Form-D.

    5. Before you start filling in the form make sure that you have read the Sections and the instructions for filling up the form very carefully. Please note that change of category code shall not be entertained after the submission of application form.

    6. Remember that making wrong entries in the application form will lead to rejection.

    Incomplete and Late Applications

    Incomplete Application Form(s)/Re-registration Form(s), received after due date or having wrong options of courses or electives or false information, will be summarily rejected without any intimation to the learners. The learners are, therefore, advised to fill up the relevant columns carefully and enclose copies of all the required self attested certificates. The Admission Form duly completed along with its enclosures is to be submitted to the Regional Director concerned ONLY on or before the due date mentioned in the admission notification. The application form sent to other offices of the University will not be considered and the applicant will have no claim, whatsoever, on account of this.

    Bachelor Degree

    Bachelor of Science (BSc) (with major in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, and Zoology), Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Studies (BTS), Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS), Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (BDP)-B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP).

    Master Degree

    Master of Computer Applications (MCA), Master of Science in Dietetics and Food Service Management (MSCDFSM), Master of Arts in Rural Development (MARD), Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy (MSCCFT), Master of Arts in Tourism Management (MTM), Master of Arts in English (MEG), Master of Arts in Hindi (MHD), Master of Social Work (MSW), Master of Social Work (Counselling) (MSWC), Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY), Master of Arts in Education (MAEDU), Master of Arts in Economics (MEC), Master of Arts in History (MAH), Master of Arts in Political Science (MPS), Master of Arts in Public Administration (MPA), Master of Arts in Sociology (MSO), Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MGPS), Master of Arts in Psychology (MAPC), Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS), Masters in Anthropology (MAAN), Master of Arts in Extension and Development Studies (MAEDS), Master of Arts in Adult Education (MAAE), Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies (MAGD), Master of Arts in Women’s and Gender Studies (MAWGS), Master of Arts in Distance Education (MADE), Master of Commerce (MCOM), M.Sc. Mathematics with Applications in Computer Science (MSCMACS), Master of Arts in Translation Studies (MATS).

    PG Diploma and Diploma

    PG Diploma in Library Automation and Networking; Analytical Chemistry; Audio Programme Production; Criminal Justice; Disaster Management; Educational Management & Administration; Educational Technology; Environment and Sustainable Development; Extension & Development Studies; Folklore & Culture Studies; Gandhi & Peace Studies; Higher Education; Information Security; Intellectual Property Rights; International Business Operation; Journalism & Mass Communication; Pharmaceutical Sales Management; Pre-Primary Education; Rural Development; School Leadership and Management; Social Work among the Tribal; Translation; Urban Planning & Development; Maternal & Child Health; Adult Education; Women & Gender Studies; Counseling & Family Therapy; HIV Medicine; Plantation Management; Book Publishing; Food Safety & Quality Management.

    Diploma in Aquaculture; BPO Finance & Accounting; Creative Writing in English; Early Childhood Care and Education; HIV and Family Education; Nutrition & Health Education; Panchayat Level Administration & Development; Para-legal Practice; Tourism Studies; Urdu; Women Empowerment & Development; Value Added Products from Fruits & Vegetables; Value Added Products from Cereals, Pulses and Oil seeds; Meat Technology; Dairy Technology; Watershed Management; Fish Product Technology.

    Advanced Certificate, PG Certificate & Certificate

    Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management; Information Security.

    PG Certificate in Extension & Development Studies; Adult Education; Cyber Law; Patent Practice; Bangla-Hindi Translation; Malayalam-Hindi Translation; Agriculture Policy; Gandhi & Peace Studies;;Information & Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually Impaired; Geoinformatics*
    (*programme offered through separate Prospectus).

    Post Doctoral Certificate in Dialysis Medicine.

    Certificate in Indigenous Art Practices; Visual Arts-Painting; Applied Arts; Performing Arts-Hindustani Music; Karnataka Music; Bharatanatyam; Theatre Arts; Arabic Language; Disaster Management; Environmental Studies; NGO Management; Business Skills; Teaching English; Functional English(basic level); Urdu Language; HIV & Family Education; Social Work & Criminal Justice System; Health Care Waste Management; Newborn & Infant Nursing; Home Based Health Care; Community Radio; Tourism Studies; Food & Nutrition; Nutrition & Child Care; Rural Development; Sericulture; Organic Farming; Water Harvesting & Management; Poultry Farming; Beekeeping; Human Rights; Consumer Protection; Co-operation, Cooperative Law & Business Law; Anti Human Trafficking; International Humanitarian Law; Information Technology; Guidance; Laboratory Techniques; Value Education; Communication & IT Skills; Maternal & Child Health Nursing; Teaching of Primary School Mathematics; Competency in Power Distribution; Energy Technology Management.

    Appreciation Course on Environment.

    For details, visit IGNOU Website or contact nearest IGNOU Regional Centre/Study Centre.

    Buy Prospectus from Regional Centre in person for Rs. 200/-, or ask by post from the address given below by sending a DD of Rs. 250/- in favor of IGNOU, New Delhi.

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