Thursday, 29 September 2016

MAH HM CET 2016 – Admissions to Full time Degree HMCT

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MAH HM CET → Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Fees) Act, 2015 (Mah. XXVIII of 2015), the Competent Authority is conducting CET (MAH­ B.HMCTCET 2016) for admission to HMCT course for the academic year 2016-17. Admission to First Year of Four year full time Degree course in Hotel Management & Catering Technology (B.HMCT) for this session 2016. It is informed to all the candidates that DTE Maharashtra has published the final merit list.

Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Fees) Act, 2015 (Mah. XXVIII of 2015), the Competent Authority is conducting CET (MAH­ B.HMCTCET 2016) for admission to HMCT course for the academic year 2016-17. Admission to First Year of Four year full time Degree course in Hotel Management & Catering Technology (B.HMCT) for this session 2016. It is informed to all the candidates that DTE Maharashtra has published the final merit list.

Important Dates and Events

Online Registration starts for MAH B.HMCT CET 2016 02 May 2016
Last date for online registration 09 May 2016
Issue of Hall Ticket 17 May 2016
Date of Online MAH B.HM CET 2016 22 May 2016
Declaration of Result 31 May 2016
Declaration of Merit List 28 Jun 2016
Submission of grievance, if any, at FC 28 – 29 Jun 2016
Display of the final merit lists 04 July 2016

Revised Schedule for Centralized Admission Process (CAP)

Application Process

DTE Maharashtra has released the Centralised Admission Process (CAP) for the MAH HM CET 2016 Admission. The candidates can check the Schedule as provided above. Also, the seat matrix for the round has been notified. The List of the institutes identified as Admission reporting Centers (ARC) is available on the website. The candidate can report to any nearest ARC.

• Option Form Filling CAP Round-I/II/III  → Click Here

Check Allotment status 

Check the Separate Provisional Merit Status →  Click Here
 Check the Final Merit Status → Click Here
Check CAP Round-4 Individual Allotment Status → Click Here
  Check CAP Round-4 Institute wise Allotment Status → Click Here
 Check CAP Round-3 Individual Allotment Status Click Here

Instructions for Candidates

1. Once the candidate confirms his/her Option form online through his/her Login for the respective admission rounds, Candidate will not be allowed to change/cancel the option/preference submitted under any circumstances.

2. A Candidate who has been allotted a seat shall download the “Provisional Seat Allotment Letter”

3. The Seat Acceptance Fee shall be Rs. 5,000/­ for Candidates of General Category, VJ/DT, NT, SBC/OBC Category and Rs. 1,000/­ for SC, ST Category Candidates. The candidate has to pay the Seat Acceptance Fee during first reporting only. This fee shall be transferred to the institution after deducting Rs. 1,000/­ towards processing fee.

4. The Seat Acceptance fees is to be paid at ARC in the form of Demand Draft in favour of ‘Commissioner, State CET Cell, Maharashtra State, Mumbai’ payable at ‘Mumbai’.

5. Seat will be confirmed by the Admission Reporting Centre (ARC) after verification of the original documents and ensuring that the Candidate meets all the eligibility norms. The centre in­charge shall issue the Online Receipt of acceptance to the candidate.

6. Allotted Seat will be cancelled if, at any time, any of the documents or certificates is found to be invalid or fraudulent and/or the Candidate does not meet the eligibility norms.

7. Candidates who want to reject the allocated seat can do so by not remitting the seat acceptance fee at the Reporting Centre in scheduled period. Candidates who reject allocated seat cannot participate in CAP Round II and III.

8. For cancellation of admission before reporting to the institution, the candidate shall apply to the Admission Reporting Center to which he has paid Seat Acceptance Fee.

• Check the complete notice about the Round 1 →  Click HERE

Merit List

The Final Merit List for MAH MBA HM CET 2016 has been released officially. The candidates who have appeared in the MAH HM CET 2016 can check the merit list by entering the Application Id & Date of Birth. The direct link to check the merit list has been provided below.

•  Check Final Merit List → Click here


Result for MAH HM CET 2016 has been declared online at the official portal and the candidates can check the same. Result is also made available in pdf format which is uploaded on the official website. Those applicants who appeared in the MAH HM CET 2016 held on 22 May can check their result by entering the Registration / Roll No. Use the direct link given below to check MAH HM CET 2016 Result.

• Enter your Registration / Roll No  → .Click here
• Result in pdf format → Click here

Result online

• Visit the official link for MAH HM CET 2016 Result provided above.

• Enter the Registration No. / Roll no. as indicated on the Hall Ticket

• Click ‘Submit’ button to get your Result.

• Alternatively, candidates can also download the official pdf format Result using the link above.

• Print the Result for future reference.

Admit Card / Hall Ticket
Candidates now have to visit the official website of DTE Maharashtra for downloading Hall Ticket for online test. Intimation for downloading Hall Ticket also sent through email/SMS. The official link, for Hall Ticket download is given below.

Official website for downloading admit card –

Download Admit Card

1. Click on the link mentioned above or visit the official website.

2. Candidates can either enter Registration Number/Roll Number and Password/Date of Birth for downloading the Hall Ticket.

3.Then click on submit button to fetch Admit Card.

4. Download Admit Card ,take print out of it and keep it safe.

• Candidate needs to affix recent recognizable photograph on the Hall Ticket preferably the same as provided during registration and appear at the examination centre with (i) Hall Ticket (ii) Photo Identity Proof as stipulated below and also specified in the Hall Ticket and Photo Identity Proof as brought in original.

Application Form

Before applying online, candidates should –

1. Scan their photograph and signature

2. Have a valid personal email ID and active mobile no.,

3. Arrange for Application Fees (Non refundable)

• For registering yourself for MAH HM CET 2016 candidates have to visit the official website and click on the option “Apply Online” which will open a new screen. Candidates are advised must ensure their eligibility and other condition before filling online application. Candidates can also fill their online application through the direct link provided below.

Application Fee

•  Candidates from Outside Maharashtra State (OMS), Open Category Candidates from Maharashtra State and J & K Migrant candidates.Rs. 700/

• Candidates belonging to Maharashtra State of Backward Class Categories [SC, ST, VJDT NT(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC, SBC] & Persons with Disability Candidates. Rs. 500

Application form processing fees as stated above is to be paid through online system only by Internet Payment, Credit Card/ Debit Card (RuPay / Visa / Master Card / Maestro), Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets for which the service charges, as per rules, shall be applicable in addition to the application form processing fees. No other mode of payment shall be permitted. This fee is non-refundable and non transferable under any circumstances.

Specifications for Uploading Photograph & Signature

• For Photograph

Photograph must be a recent passport style colour picture
Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred)
Size of file should be between 20kb–50 kb

• For Signature

The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen
Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred)
Size of file should be between 10kb – 20kb

 Note → In case the face in the photograph or signature is unclear the candidate’s application may be rejected. After uploading the photograph/ signature in the online application form candidates should check that the images are clear and have been uploaded correctly. In case the photograph or signature is not prominently visible, the candidate may edit his/ her application and re-upload his/ her photograph or signature, prior to submitting the form.

After registering online candidates are advised to take a printout of their system generated online application forms.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate should be an Indian National;

→ Passed HSC or its equivalent examination and obtained at least 45% marks in aggregate (at least 40% marks in aggregate for backward class category and Persons with Disabilities candidates belonging to Maharashtra state only);

→ Candidates appearing for qualifying examination are also eligible to appear for CET.

 Aggregate marks means the grand total of marks obtained by the candidate in subjects on which the class declaration is made in the particular Board from which the candidate is passing the qualifying examination.

→ In case the candidates are awarded grades/CGPA instead of marks, the conversion of grades/CGPA to percentage of marks would be based on the procedure certified by the Board from where they passing the qualifying examination.

→ The percentage of marks shall be calculated by rounding off to two places after decimal.

→ The candidates belonging to SC, VJ/DT (NT (A)), NT (B), NT(C), NT (D), OBC and SBC categories should produce “Caste Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Social Welfare Department and the Candidate belonging to ST category should submit “Tribe Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Tribal Department and valid Non Creamy Layer certificate except SC, ST candidates at the time of verification of documents.

Examination Pattern

The On Line test will have 100 Questions based on Reasoning (Verbal as well as Arithmetic),English Language & General Awareness including questions on culture, current national, international affairs, trade & commerce, sports, scientific inventions and discoveries, travel/tourism etc.

Topics No. of Questions Mark/s per Question Max. Marks
English Language 40 1 40
Reasoning (Verbal and Arithmetic) 30 1 30
General Knowledge & Awareness including questions on current national, international affairs, culture, trade & commerce, sports, scientific inventions and discoveries, travel/ tourism etc 30 1 30

• The test will comprise of multiple choice objective type questions (Four Options)
• There is No negative marking System for this test
• Test Duration → 90 minutes
• Medium of CET → English
• Mode of Examination →  Online

Test Centres Details

1. MAH-B.HMCT-CET 2016 will be conducted in the selected cities in Maharashtra State. The cities in which MAH-B.HMCT-CET 2016 will be conducted are designated as “Centre” for the CET.

2. Each centre may have many “Venues” depending upon the number of candidates appearing at that centre.

3. A candidate appearing for CET shall give his/her preference for the centre, however the Competent Authority reserves the right to allocate the centre and venue.

4.The examination will be conducted online at venues given in the respective Hall Ticket.

5. No request for change of centre/venue/date/session for Examination shall be entertained.

6. Competent Authority, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Examination Centres and/ or add some other Centres, at its discretion, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc.

7. Competent Authority also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any centre other than the one he/she has opted for.

8. Candidate will appear for the examination at an Examination Centre at his/her owns risks and expenses and Competent Authority will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc. of any nature.

9. Choice of centre once exercised by the candidate will be final.

10. If sufficient number of candidates does not opt for a particular centre for “Online” examination, Competent Authority reserves the right to allot any other adjunct centre to those candidates OR if the number of candidates is more than the capacity available for online exam for a centre, Competent Authority reserves the right to allot any other centre to the candidate.

Information Brochure

•  Candidates can download Information Brochure from → Click HERE.

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