Indira Gandhi National Open University, the largest open university in the world (IGNOU) offers MBA courses to management education aspirants from all walks of life. Whether you are a fresher who just finished out of college or a business executive or an entrepreneur, IGNOU MBA is a very good solution for you to pursue your dreams in management education.
IGNOU has released the notification for MBA Entrance Test 2017 – OPENMAT XL & XLI for admission to the various Management Progrommes starting from January 2017.The complete detail of IGNOU MBA Entrance Test 2017 – OPENMAT XL & XLI such as application form, eligibility criteria, selection process etc. are given below.
Important Dates
Last date of submission of application form (form 1) | 20 Aug 2016 Extended till 09 Sep 2016 |
15 Dec 2016 |
Validity of OPENMAT score and eligible to seek admission in | 1st Semester (January 2017) 2nd Semester (July 2017) |
1st Semester (July 2017) 2nd Semester (January 2018) |
Last date of submission of application form (form 2) | 30 Nov 2016 (1st Sem) 31 May 2017 (2nd Sem) |
31 May 2017 (1st Sem) 30 Nov 2017 (2nd Sem) |
Date of Exam | 25 Sep 2016 Postponed to 23 Oct 2016 |
15 Feb 2017 |
IGNOU MBA Entrance Test 2017 Important Information
Programme Structure
Successful completion of a specific combination of above courses would lead to
- Master of Business Administration (MBA), or
- Diploma in Management (DIM), or
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDIM), or
- Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM), or
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDFM), or
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Operations Management (PGDOM), or
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDMM).
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets Practice (PGDFMP)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
The MBA Programme consists of 21 courses in all. These comprise of
- All the courses in PGDIM (Eleven Courses) i.e. MS-1 to MS-11
- Five courses from any one of the specialisation streams
- Compulsory Courses (MS-91, MS-95) and any one elective course out of MS-92/93/94/96/97
- Project Course (MS-100) equivalent to 2 courses.
Application Form IGNOU MBA 2017 – OPENMAT XL & XLI
Application form (Form 1) for OPENMAT XL & XLI Entrance Test has been provided in a separate envelope along with the Student Handbook & Prospectus. Please read these instructions before filling up Form 1. Application received after the due date will not be accepted. Candidates can also download their application form (Form no. 1) from the direct link provided below.
Application Fee
The candidates downloading the Form from website are required to send a Demand Draft of Rs. 1,050/-(Rupees one thousand fifty only) drawn in favor of IGNOU payable at New Delhi.
Instruction for Filling the Application Form
1. Candidates are responsible for the accuracy of information and indicating the information in the desired manner. Candidate should ensure that you fulfill the admission criteria as prescribed by the University as on the last date for submission of Application form for Admission to Management Programme.
2. Admission is open only to candidates residing in India.
Please send your Application Form for Entrance Test (OPENMAT) FORM-1 by Registered/Speed Post at the following address:
SED, Block 12
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110 068
3. Applications received after the due date will not be accepted.
4. Do not send any certificate/document with the OPENMAT Form (Form-1). These are required to be submitted with the Admission Form (Form-2), in case you qualify in the OPENMAT.
5. In case the number of candidates for Entrance Test at a center is ten or less, the candidates will be allotted nearest possible centre. No request for change of test centre will be entertained.
6. No fee is to be sent with OPENMAT Form (Form-1), except in case where the form has been downloaded from the website. In case the form has been downloaded from the website, a demand draft of Rs. 1050/- drawn in favor of IGNOU, payable at New Delhi has to be sent along with OPENMAT form. Prospectus will be sent to such candidates after receipt of the form along with the demand draft.
Admission Form
Those who qualify for admission will have to apply on the Admission Form (Form 2) given in this prospectus to the Regional Director concerned. Such students will have a choice to take admission in any of the two subsequent semesters, i.e., one who qualifies in August 2016 OPENMAT may take admission in the semester commencing in January 2017 or July 2017. Similarly, the student who qualifies in February 2017 OPENMAT will be eligible for seeking admission in the semester commencing in July 2017 or January 2018.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Graduation in any discipline with 50% marks for general category/ 45% for reserved category, with 3 years managerial/ supervisory/ professional experience.
2. Professional Degree with 50% marks in: Engineering/ Medicine/ Chartered Accountancy (ICAI)/ Cost and Works Accountancy (ICWA)/ Company Secretaryship (ICSI)/Law.
3. Clearance of OPENMAT conducted by IGNOU.
4. There is no age bar for admission to the above programme.
Foreign Students
Foreign students residing in India and having a valid student visa for the minimum duration of the programme are eligible to seek admission in IGNOU programmes. Such students are required to remit the fee at par with foreign students (fee structure of foreign students could be downloaded from the website Admission of foreign students residing in India will be processed by the International Division of the University after ensuring their antecedents from the Ministry of External Affairs/Ministry of Human Resource Development.
IGNOU OPENMAT Hall Ticket / Admit Card 2017 – XL are now available for download for the entrance test which will be conducted on 23 Oct 2016. In case of non-receipt of Hall Ticket three (03) days before the entrance test, candidate can download hall ticket from IGNOU website and report to the examination centre for appearing in the entrance test.
To download the Admit Card – Click Here
IGNOU OPENMAT (XLI) Admit Card 2017
Admit Card for IGNOU OPENMAT (XLI) 2017 will be available from Last week of Jan 2017. Candidates are advised bring their IGNOU OPENMAT XLI 2017 Admit Card on the day of Exam which will be conducted on 15 Feb 2017.
Link to download the OPENMAT (XLI) Admit Card 2017 will be available here..!!
The official website for IGNOU OPENMAT 2017 Admit Card –
In case any student fails to receive the Examination Hall Ticket, within one week before the commencement of the examination, the students can download the hall ticket from the website and approach the exam centre for appearing in the examination.
How to download OPENMAT Hall Ticket Online
- Enter name and date of birth.
- Get your enrollment number.
- Enter 9 digit enrollment number to download admit card.
You can also get print copy of Hall Ticket at your nearest Common Service Centre (CSC) by paying Rs 5/- at the CSC itself.
Note: Find your nearest CSC by clicking on “CSC Locator” on CSC Website ( (OR) Directly clicking on (CSC Locator).
Your record may not be included in the finalized list for any of the reasons like non-receipt of Application Form, or delay in receiving the Form, or not indicating the information correctly on the Form.
Entrance Test
Admission to Management Programmes of IGNOU is done through OPENMAT Entrance test, held twice a year. For appearing in the entrance test (OPENMAT) a student has to fill up Application Form for OPENMAT Entrance Test (Form 1) which is provided separately in an envelope along with this Student Handbook & Prospectus. Please see the instructions for filling up the OPENMAT Entrance Test-Form 1. You need to send the form in the same envelope by Registered/Speed Post so as to reach the IGNOU H.Q. on or before the last date printed on the application form. No other document is required to be submitted along with this form.
Result of IGNOU OPENMAT XL and XLI Result 2017
IGNOU OPENMAT Result 2016 - OPENMAT XXXVIII and XXXIX ResultOPENMAT IGNOU Result can be checked here, when it will be declared officially. The OPENMAT result card shall be sent to the students within 6-7 weeks from the date of the OPENMAT examination. In case of non-receipt of the result card, result card can be downloaded from the IGNOU website.
*Those who qualify for admission will have to apply on the Admission Form (Form 2) given in this prospectus to the Regional Director concerned. Such students will have a choice to take admission in any of the two subsequent semesters, i.e., one who qualifies in August 2016 OPENMAT may take admission in the semester commencing in January 2017 or July 2017. Similarly, the student who qualifies in February 2017 OPENMAT will be eligible for seeking admission in the semester commencing in July 2017 or January 2018.
Validity of OPENMAT Score
Candidates who have qualified for admission on the basis of the score obtained in the Entrance Test (OPENMAT) will be eligible to seek admission into Management Programme in any of the following two semesters. For example, a student who qualifies for admission in August 2016 OPENMAT, may take admission in any of the following two semesters i.e., either in January 2017 or July 2017 semester. Similarly one who qualifies in February 2017 OPENMAT may take admission in July 2017 or January 2018 semester. The last dates for submission of the Application Form (Form-2) for Admission to these semesters are as follows :
For those qualifying August 2016 Test (OPENMAT-XL) – For 1st Sem. 2017 (January 2017) – 30th November, 2016 and For 2nd Sem. 2017 (July 2017) – 31st May, 2017.
For those qualifying February 2017 Test (OPENMAT-XLI) – For 2nd Sem. 2017 (July 2017) – 31st May, 2017 and For 1st Sem. 2018 (January 2018) – 30th November, 2017.
All the candidates who appear for the Entrance Test (OPENMAT) shall be sent the result cards indicating their status as regards to qualifying or not qualifying. Only those who are indicated as qualifying would be eligible for applying for Admission to the Management Programme. In case you do not receive your result card within one week of the probable date of dispatch of result card, you may contact the Regional Centre under which your test centre falls. No request for duplicate result card will be entertained after the last date for Submission of Admission Form. The qualified candidates can also download the result card from IGNOU website
Admission to the Management Programme (MBA, DIM, PGDIM and PG Diplomas in HRM, FM, OM, MM and FMP) will be done on the basis of the score obtained in the OPENMAT, conducted all over India twice a year as per above schedule.
A result card will be sent to all the candidates who have appeared in the OPENMAT examination. It will indicate whether the candidate has qualified or not qualified for admission on the basis of cut-off score as decided by the University. After qualifying in OPENMAT, a learner will have to apply for admission on the specified Application Form (Form 2) which is given in the Prospectus alongwith required documents to the Regional Director concerned.
Learners are advised to retain a Photo Copy of the Application Form submitted to IGNOU.
Maximum Duration in Management Programme
1. The maximum duration of the MBA Programme is 8 (eight) years. Thereafter, students seeking ‘fresh admission’ for completion of the left over course(s) will not be required to qualify the OPENMAT Entrance Test again. However, this facility is available only once. A separate admission form (Form 3), which is a part of this booklet, is required to be filled by such students.
If a student fails to successfully complete all the requirements for the award of Degree/Diploma in another 8 year duration (i.e., 8+8=16 years), then s/he will have to seek admission afresh by qualifying the OPENMAT entrance and no credit transfer facility will be provided. All formalities in such cases would remain the same as is applicable in case of a fresh student.
2. Those students who were admitted earlier to Management Programmes [including SDM (Direct Entry)] without the provision of Entrance Test are required to clear the mandatory requirement of clearance of Entrance Test while seeking fresh admission. Such students will fill the normal Admission Form (Form 2) for continuance in the Programme.
3. As indicated in ‘Re-Registration’ above, students would be allowed to register for maximum four courses in a semester to enable them to register/re-register for proper combination of 21 courses for the award of MBA Degree in five semesters. However, course(s) once registered must be successfully completed within four semesters, failing which s/he would need to re-validate the registration for the course as prescribed in point no. 5 above. The validity of a course registered after 7th year of the initial admission to the Programme would be reduced appropriately, so that the prescribed maximum duration of eight years would remain unchanged.
The University provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, non-creamy layer of OBC, War Widows, Kashmri Migrants and Physically Handicapped Learners, as per the Government of India rules, for admission to its various programmes. However, submission of forged certificate under any category shall lead not only to cancellation of admission but also be legally implicated as per govt. of India rules.
Fee Structure
1. Course fee of `1500/- per course can be paid through a Bank Draft obtained from any one of the scheduled banks in favor of IGNOU and should be payable at the city where your Regional Centre is situated (both at the time of Admission and Re-registration). Please write your Name, Enrollment Number and address on the back of the Bank Draft to ensure proper credit to your fee account.
2. Fee once paid is not refundable under any circumstances. It is also not adjustable against any other programme of this university.
Change / Correction of Address and Study Centre
In case there is any correction/change in the address, the learners are advised to make use of proforma provided in the Prospectus and send it to the Regional Director concerned who will forward the data to SRD, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068. Requests received directly will not be entertained. The form for change of address can also be downloaded from IGNOU website Learners are advised not to write letters to any other officer in the University in this regard.
3. Normally, it takes 4-6 weeks to effect the change. Therefore, the learners are advised to make their own arrangements to get the mail redirected to the changed address during this period. In case a change of Study Centre is desired, the learners are advised to fill the proforma and address it to the Regional Centre concerned. Counselling facilities are not available for all Programmes at all the Study Centres. As such, learners are advised to make sure that counselling facilities are available for the subject she/he has chosen, at the new Study Centre opted for. Request for change of Study Centre is normally accepted subject to availability of seat for the programme at the new Study Centre asked for. Change of address and Study Centre are not permitted until admissions are finalized.
Migration Certificate
For Migration Certificate, requisition may be sent to the Regional Director along with the following documents:
- Application (can be obtained from the Head Office or photocopy of the one given in programme guide could be used).
- Attested copy of the Grade card and Provisional certificate.
- Fee of Rs. 400/- in the form of demand draft drawn in favor of IGNOU payable at the city where Regional Centre is located.
Schedule of Operation
