Sunday, 9 October 2016

NATA 2017 – National Aptitude Test in Architecture Details

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National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) → It  is being conducted by the Council of Architecture, being the competent & final authority for the purpose of fixing norms and standards for architectural institutions and having the necessary expertise to hold a Common Aptitude Test in Architecture, at national level to provide a single window system for appearing in aptitude test and to facilitate institutions, students and public at large for admission to First year of 5 year B.Arch Degree Course at all recognized Institutions all over country.

Important Dates

Registration starts →  Jan 2017 to Aug 2017

Exam Dates → Apr 2017 to May 2017 to June 2017 to Aug 2017

Eligibility Criteria

1. Any person having passed SSC (Std X) or equivalent examination and above can appear for NATA. However, only candidates who have qualified an aptitude test in Architecture and have secured 50% marks in 10+2 or equivalent examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects, shall be eligible for admission to B.Arch. Course.

2. No direct lateral admission is allowed at any year/stage of B.Arch. course based on any qualification. NATA score shall be valid for a period of two years from the year in which one appeared.

3. Prospective applicants desirous of taking admission to First year of undergraduate course in Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture) in India take NATA.

 Examination  Pattern

1. Candidates can follow the last year NATA Exam Pattern only for reference purpose. Latest Exam Pattern for this year will be updated soon as per official announcement.

2. The test is in two parts. A paper based drawing test and computer based online aesthetic sensitivity test.

3. The test measures aptitude of the candidate through two sections – a paper based section for drawing and computer based section for aesthetic sensitivity. This is a two hour paper where candidate has to attempt three questions.

Drawing Test
1. Ability to sketch a given object proportionately and rendering the same in visually appealing manner.

2. Visualizing and drawing the effects of light on the object and shadows cast on surroundings.
Sense of perspective drawing.

3. Combining and composing given three dimensional elements to form a building or structural form.
Creating interesting two dimensional composition using given shapes and forms.

4. Creating visual harmony using colors in given composition.
Understanding of scale and proportions through pencil sketch on themes from day to day experiences.

 Sensitivity Test

This is computer based test where candidate has to answer 40 multiple choice questions. The aesthetic sensitivity test measures perception, imagination and observation, creativity and communication along with architectural awareness and comprises of –

1. Visualizing three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings.

2. Visualizing different sides of three dimensional objects.

3. Identifying commonly used materials and objects based on their textural qualities.

4. Analytical reasoning.

5. Mental Ability.

6. Imaginative comprehension and expression.

7. Architectural awareness

Instruction to Candidates

1. The candidate must have an acceptable and valid Identification Document (ID) details of which are mentioned on the appointment voucher, with signature, and appointment voucher to be admitted to a Test Center. ID requirements are strictly enforced. It is the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand the instructions and requirements.

2. Report to the test center at least 1 hour before scheduled time of test.

3. If the candidate arrives at the Test Center without the required identification documents The Test Center in-charge will not admit the candidate and the candidate will not be allowed to take the test.
In addition the candidate will forfeit the test fee.

4. Name changes will not be allowed under any circumstances. If the candidate’s name has changed for any reason, including marriage, the candidate still must present primary identification in the name under which he / she made the appointment, otherwise the candidate will not be permitted to appear in test. Marriage certificates and divorce decrees cannot be used to confirm name differences.

5. If the Test Center in-charge questions the ID proof the candidate presents, the candidate will be required to present additional proof of identity. If positive confirmation cannot be made, the candidate may be refused admission to the Test Center and the candidate will forfeit the test fee paid.

6. Test Center personnel will check the candidate’s identification before assigning the candidate a seat at the Test Center. The administrator will check to verify that the candidate is the person in his photo identification. The test center in-charge will repeat this procedure before and after all breaks.

7. Admittance to the Test Center does not imply that the candidate’s form of identification is valid or that the candidate’s scores will be reported. All reported cases of questionable identification are subject to review and approval by the Competent Authority of Testing Integrity.
Repeating NATA

8. Candidates can attempt NATA for a maximum of 5 (Five) times during the period when their latest scorecard is valid. For every attempt, however, a new NATA Registration form is to be submitted online by the candidate at the NATA website. The mark list will show the best marks scored by the candidate in his previous 5 attempts. Do not register for repeat attempt unless you receive score card for previous attempt.

9. Candidate, while seeking the repeat test appointment must declare the same (even if he has appeared in the previous year) while registering for NATA. If any candidate is found registering afresh despite earlier appearance (including registered but exam not given) for NATA, he/ she will forfeit his/her candidature, his / her all previous scores will be cancelled and he / she will be barred from appearing for NATA again. Please note that the “Best of 5” attempt system will be applicable for the test given from NATA 2016 onwards. Students who have a valid score of NATA tests given before year 2016, and give NATA in 2016, the best score of the earlier valid score and current NATA score will be considered.

Admit Card / Appointment Voucher

1.  Appearing candidates need to carry the officially issued admit card. In the information brochure this is referred to as the appointment voucher. Admit card  is generated during registration process only.

2. The appointment voucher contains the candidate’s test date, time of test and Test Center. The voucher will also show Candidate ID and Appointment Number with Exam Key.

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